We created CMS where user can appear for exam and admin can look after the question papers
First You have to download this exam rar file then that rar file look like this (exam-master.rar) and then you have to extract that rar file you have to rename or replace that folder name to (exam).
after you have to create database in phpmyadmin or in mysql you have to create database name like this (quiz_new) name database
if you have any type of mention password in mysql or in phpmyadmin then you have to go in that project directory exam/install/config.php edit and change your databsae user name or password
with whatever you mention in your mysql or phpmyadmin
and after that you have to move exam folder to that in linux : /var/www/html/ or in windows first download xammp then paste that folder in /xampp/htdocs/
then run this link http://localhost/exam/install/index.php
now you have to put in first field databse name : quiz_new next field put : localhost after that you have to fill your username and password then you go to the next page showing create admin for the website create admin username and password for that online examination system then you have to fill you admin user name and password then clik on checkbox login as admin
I hope you understood what i want to say good luck