FilmFinder-Backend Public
The back-end for a full stack web app. Server-side built with Java, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, and AWS S3 allowing the user to upload and update profile photo, lookup films from integrated third-par…
Java UpdatedMar 3, 2025 -
FilmFinder-Frontend Public
The front-end for a full stack web app. UI built with React, JavaScript, and CSS allowing the user to search movie titles. As the user types, the search results update on the page dynamically. User…
JavaScript UpdatedMar 3, 2025 -
ChatApp Public
A full stack, Spring-based web application built with JavaScript, CSS, and Thymeleaf on the front-end; Java, Hibernate, and MySQL on the back-end; and leveraging the speed and efficiency of Railway…
MySQL database design for a pizza restaurant
Bank-Account-App Public
A full stack, Spring-based web app built with Thymeleaf and CSS on the front-end and Java, Hibernate, and MySQL on the back-end. Savings and Checking accounts created by default when user registers…
Java UpdatedOct 13, 2024 -
utilized Spring MVC and Thymeleaf for this bank transaction history viewer. The Repository and Service classes deserialize, populate, and sort transaction data from a binary file.
Java UpdatedSep 13, 2024 -
Meal-Plan-API Public
Spring Boot web app that integrates with a third party API, maps the JSON response to Java objects, and creates endpoints inside of a RestController returning a customized meal plan based on user i…
Java UpdatedSep 13, 2024 -
RecipeApp Public
Spring Boot web app leveraging Apache Commons CSV library to import recipe data from a .txt file, maps the data to Java objects, stores in memory to an ArrayList, and creates RestController endpoin…
Java UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
A back-end Java application that can efficiently fetch and analyze one million lines of data from a .txt file by leveraging multi-threading and asynchronous Java code
Java UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
applied Test Driven Development to refactor my own implementation of the ArrayList data structure as well as add new functionality
Java UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
Assignment completed in the Coders Campus bootcamp where I was tasked with coding my own implementation of the ArrayList data structure.
Java UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
Sales-Analytics-Tool Public
A back-end Java application that reads sales data from multiple CSVs, stores the data in memory to an array list, uses Java streams to filter / extract specific statistics, and generate a sales report
Java UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
User-Login-Verification Public
user verification system created with Java that reads a CSV containing user credentials, prompts users to enter login credentials, and provides feedback on their login status
Java UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
College-Enrollment-Data-Sort Public
Java program for professors to manage student enrollment data. It reads a student master list from a CSV file, stores the parsed data in memory to corresponding arrays, sorts by grade, and writes e…
Java UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
leveraged HTML, CSS, and Flexbox to recreate the frontend UI of an existing website
HTML UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
Java game application where the player gets 5 chances to guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 100
Java UpdatedAug 14, 2024 -
Java-Topics...user-guide Public
A reference library I created covering various concepts and topics in Java with descriptions and examples
Java UpdatedAug 14, 2024