My name is Ricardo Alexis Lopez Cadena and I'm a Computer Science Engineer, from Universidad de Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico.
✨ Creating bugs since 2019
📚 I'm currently learning about Web Development and SEO.
My name is Ricardo Alexis Lopez Cadena and I'm a Computer Science Engineer, from Universidad de Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico.
✨ Creating bugs since 2019
📚 I'm currently learning about Web Development and SEO.
A C++ code that simply demonstrates the consumer/producer problem implemented with semaphores made for my Operative Systems class.
A repository for a course I took on about backend with Node.js: API REST with Express.js
JavaScript 1
Algorithm that simply implements the knapsack problem with maximum, minimum weight and max values criterion.
A C++ code with a simple implementation of the dining philosophers problem using mutex and threads for my Operative Systems class.