Alfresco Enterprise Docker Installer
IMPORTANT This project is not supported by Alfresco in any way. Despite deployments using Docker Compose are considered a valid approach for ACS deployment (Community and Enterprise), this alfresco-enterprise-docker
tool is not the official Alfresco recommendation. Please, check in order to understand official recommendations from Alfresco.
This project builds a Docker Compose template for Alfresco Enterprise according to services selection that can be used as reference to design ACS deployments.
This project does not include:
- RAM limits for every service according to global memory available for Docker
- Customized configuration for Docker Images
- Addons deployment
Docker Images from are used, since this product is only available for Alfresco Enterprise customers. If you are Enterprise Customer or Partner but you are still experimenting problems to download Docker Images, contact Alfresco Hyland Support in order to get required credentials and permissions.
This program has following dependencies:
- Node.js
- Yeoman
You can download and install Node.js
from official web page:
Or you can use any of the package managers provided by the product:
Once Node.js is installed, you can install Yeoman as a module:
$ npm install -g yo
And finally, you can install this generator:
$ npm install --global generator-alfresco-enterprise-docker
Deployment is provided for Docker Compose, so following dependencies must be satisfied by the server used to run the generated configuration:
- Docker
- Docker Compose
You can install Docker Desktop for Windows or Mac and Docker Server for Linux.
You need also to add Docker Compose program to your installation.
Create a folder where Docker Compose template files are going to be produced and run the generator.
If you downloaded this project, don't reuse source code folder. Create an empty folder to generate Docker Compose template anywhere.
$ mkdir docker-compose
$ cd docker-compose
$ yo alfresco-enterprise-docker
Several options are provided in order to build the configuration.
? Which ACS version do you want to use? 25.1
Versions 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 23.1, 23.2, 23.4 and 25.1 are available
? Do you want to use T-Engine (sync) or T-Service (async) as transform service? t-engine
is the Transform Service used for Community Edition, relying on synchronous requests (no ActiveMQ is required)t-service
is a Transform Service available for Enterprise Edition, relying on asynchronous requests (ActiveMQ is required)
? Do you want to use Search Service (SOLR 6), Insight Engine (SOLR 6 with SQL) or Search Enterprise (Elasticsearch) as search service? search-service
is the Search Service used for Community Edition, relying on SOLR 6.6insight-engine
is a Search Service available for Enterprise Edition, relying on SOLR 6.6 and including support for SQLsearch-enterprise-elasticsearch
is a Search Service available for Enterprise Edition, relying on Elasticsearch (ActiveMQ is required)search-enterprise-opensearch
is a Search Service available for Enterprise Edition, relying on OpenSearch (ActiveMQ is required)
? Do you want to use Apache Zeppelin for Insight Engine? n
If insight-engine
is selected, Apache Zeppelin deployment will provide a UI to build graphical dashboards using Solr SQL feature
? Do you want to use Share Web App? Y
Deploy the legacy Share UI (built with FreeMarker, Springsurf and Aikau)
? Do you want to use Alfresco Digital Workspace App? Y
Deploy the current ADW UI (built with Angular)
? Do you want to use Alfresco Admin App? Y
Deploy the Control Center app for Alfresco Authorities (built with Angular)
? Do you want to use Sync Service? N
Deploy Sync Service to support Desktop Sync application
- Repository: alfresco-content-repository
- Share: alfresco-share
- Digital Workspace: alfresco-digital-workspace
- Control Center: alfresco-digital-workspace
- Search: alfresco-search-services
- Insight Engine: insight-engine
- Zeppelin: insight-zeppelin
- Search Enterprise: alfresco-elasticsearch
- Transform Service: alfresco-transform-router
- Sync Service: sync-service
Default URLs
http://localhost:8080/workspace (ADW)
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
http://localhost:8080/admin (Control Center)
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
http://localhost:8080/share (Share)
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
http://localhost:8080/alfresco (Alfresco)
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
http://localhost:8080/api-explorer (API Explorer)
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
http://localhost:8083/solr (Search Service)
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
http://localhost:8161 (ActiveMQ)
Default credentials: none
http://localhost:9091/zeppelin (Zeppelin)
Default credentials
- user: admin
- password: admin
http://localhost:9200 (Elasticsearch / OpenSearch)
Default credentials: none
http://localhost:5601 (Kibana / OpenSearch Dashboards)
Default credentials: none
It's not required to build or download this project in order to use it. But this can be done using default npm tools.
The module is available at npm:
If you want to build it locally, you need an environment with Node.js and Yeoman. And from the root folder of the project, just type:
$ npm link