This is a project for the Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree program. The objective of the project is to develop a single page application using React.
The application features a map of a neighborhood in Patra, Greece. User can choose from a number of locations of interest and display information about them. The locations are displayed in a list menu and can be filtered by using the search field or by choosing a category (cafe, candy store, restaurant, bar). Using the search input also filters the markers on the map and displays the ones matching the user input. Information for the choosen location is displayed on an infowindow above the marker presented in the map.
Running localy the pre-build version. (Service worker provided by React is not working when running this version of the app.)
- Clone the GitHub repository localy and go to root project folder.
- Install all project dependencies with
npm install
. - Start the development server with
npm start
. - Open
in your browser.
Running the production version in Github pages. (Service worker runs effectively.)
- Using this link:
Running the build version localy. (Service worker runs effectively.)
- Follow steps mentioned in running the pre-build version.
- Remove the "homepage" reference from package.json file.
- Build the application using
npm run build
. - Install an http server using
npm install -g serve
. - Run the server from build application using
serve -s build
. - App runs at
This application is using the npm packages below.
Create app with create-react-app.
Use Google Maps API with google-maps-react.
Deploy build version and run it through Github pages with gh-pages.
Run localy build verion by installing a server using webpack and serve.
Application is also making use of the Google Maps API, Foursquare API and icons.
Special thanks to Alexandris George for tutoring and helping me throughout the course of this project.
This code is distributed under the MIT license.