This project analysed the products on Amazon by creating topics based on customers reviews. Each of the reviews will be analysed using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm to classify text to a particular topic. The most important (semantic and syntactic) keywords will be used to derive the topic cluster.
The dataset is created using Web Scrapping from the in the Electronics category. The following preprocessing procedure steps were performed:
- Remove punctuation, Hypertext Transfer Protocols, whitespaces.
- Lowercase the words.
- Words that have fewer than 3 characters are removed.
- Remove stopwords.
- Apply Contraction.
- Apply Stemming.
- Apply Lemmatization.
- Apply Tokenization: Split the sentences into words to prepare for LDA.
- Build Bigrams: a sequence of two adjacent elements from a string of tokens.
- Convert all the lists of words into the BoW format.
LDA only needs a Bag-of-Word vector and TF-IDF corpus is not needed for LDA modelling based on the paper of 2003 (entitled "Latent Dirichlet Allocation") from Blei (who developed LDA). The algorithm is a word probabilistic generative model, which assumes a word is generated from a multinomial distribution. It doesn't make sense to say 0.6 word (tf-idf frequency weight) is generated from some distribution.