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Update Shared components packages to v3 (major) - autoclosed #720

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@renovate renovate bot commented Jul 5, 2023

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
date-fns 2.30.0 -> 3.3.1 age adoption passing confidence
prettier (source) 2.8.8 -> 3.2.4 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

date-fns/date-fns (date-fns)


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Kudos to @​kossnocorp and @​fturmel for working on the release.

  • Fixed DST issue in getOverlappingDaysInIntervals, resulting in an inconsistent number of days returned for intervals starting and ending in different DST periods.

  • Fixed functions incorrectly using trunc instead of round. The bug was introduced in v3.3.0. The affected functions: differenceInCalendarDays, differenceInCalendarISOWeeks, differenceInCalendarWeeks, getISOWeek, getWeek, and getISOWeeksInYear.


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On this release worked @​kossnocorp, @​TheKvikk, @​fturmel and @​ckcherry23.

  • Fixed the bug in getOverlappingDaysInIntervals caused by incorrect sorting of interval components that led to 0 for timestamps of different lengths.

  • Fixed bugs when working with negative numbers caused by using Math.floor (-1.1-2) instead of Math.trunc (-1.1-1). Most of the conversion functions (i.e., hoursToMinutes) were affected when passing some negative fractional input. Also, some other functions that could be possibly affected by unfortunate timezone/date combinations were fixed.

    The functions that were affected: format, parse, getUnixTime, daysToWeeks, hoursToMilliseconds, hoursToMinutes, hoursToSeconds, milliseconds, minutesToMilliseconds, millisecondsToMinutes, monthsToYears, millisecondsToHours, millisecondsToSeconds, minutesToHours, minutesToSeconds, yearsToQuarters, yearsToMonths, yearsToDays, weeksToDays, secondsToMinutes, secondsToHours, quartersToYears, quartersToMonths and monthsToQuarters.

  • Fixed the Czech locale's formatDistance to include 1 in formatDistance.

  • Fixed differenceInSeconds and other functions relying on rounding options that can produce a negative 0.

  • Added a preprocessor to the locales API, enabling fixing a long-standing bug in the French locale. (#​1391)

  • Added missing yearsToDays to the FP submodule.

  • Made functions using rounding methods always return 0 instead of -0.



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This release is brought to you by @​kossnocorp, @​fturmel, @​grossbart, @​MelvinVermeer, and @​jcarstairs-scottlogic.

  • Added exports of format, lightFormat, and parse internals that enable 3rd-parties to consume those.


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This release is brought to you by @​kossnocorp, @​makstyle119 and @​dmgawel.



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On this release worked @​imwh0im, @​jamcry and @​tyrw.



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This release is brought to you by @​goku4199.



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This release is brought to you by @​kossnocorp.

  • Fixed isWithinInterval bug caused by incorrectly sorting dates (#​3623).


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  • Rolled back pointing ESM types to the same d.ts files. Instead now it copies the content to avoid the Masquerading as CJS problem reported by "Are the types wrong?".


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  • Fixed an error in certain environments caused by d.mts files exporting only types.


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  • BREAKING: date-fns is now a dual-package with the support of both ESM and CommonJS. The files exports are now explicitly in the package.json. The ESM files now have .mjs extension.

  • BREAKING: The package now has a flat structure, meaning functions are now named node_modules/date-fns/add.mjs, locales are node_modules/date-fns/locale/enUS.mjs, etc.

  • BREAKING: Now all file content’s exported via named exports instead of export default, which will require change direct imports i.e. const addDays = require(‘date-fns/addDays’) to const { addDays } = require(‘date-fns/addDays’).

  • BREAKING: TypeScript types are now completely rewritten, check out the d.ts files for more information.

  • BREAKING: constants now is not exported via the index, so to import one use import { daysInYear } from "date-fns/constants";. It improves compatibility with setups that modularize imports like Next.js.

  • BREAKING: Functions now don’t check the number of passed arguments, delegating this task to type checkers. The functions are now slimmer because of this.

  • BREAKING The arguments are not explicitly converted to the target types. Instead, they are passed as is, delegating this task to type checkers.

  • BREAKING: Functions that accept Interval arguments now do not throw an error if the start is before the end and handle it as a negative interval. If one of the properties in an Invalid Date, these functions also do not throw and handle them as invalid intervals.

    • areIntervalsOverlapping normalize intervals before comparison, so { start: a, end: b } is practically equivalent to { start: b, end: a }. When comparing intervals with one of the properties being Invalid Date, the function will return false unless the others are valid and equal, given the inclusive option is passed. Otherwise, and when even one of the intervals has both properties invalid, the function will always return false.

    • getOverlappingDaysInIntervals now normalizes intervals before comparison, so { start: a, end: b } is practically equivalent to { start: b, end: a }. If any of the intervals’ properties is an Invalid Date, the function will always return 0.

    • isWithinInterval now normalizes intervals before comparison, so { start: a, end: b } is practically equivalent to { start: b, end: a }. If any of the intervals’ properties is an Invalid Date, the function will always return false.

    • intervalToDuration now returns negative durations for negative intervals. If one or both of the interval properties are invalid, the function will return an empty object.

    • The eachXOfInterval functions (eachDayOfInterval, eachHourOfInterval, eachMinuteOfInterval, eachMonthOfInterval, eachWeekendOfInterval, eachWeekendOfMonth, eachWeekendOfYear, eachWeekOfInterval, eachYearOfInterval) now return a reversed array if the passed interval’s start is after the end. Invalid properties will result in an empty array. Functions that accept the step option now also allow negative, 0, and NaN values and return reversed results if the step is negative and an empty array otherwise.

  • BREAKING: intervalToDuration now skips 0 values in the resulting duration, resulting in more compact objects with only relevant properties.

  • BREAKING: roundToNearestMinutes now returns Invalid Date instead of throwing an error when nearestTo option is less than 1 or more than 30.

  • BREAKING: IE is no longer supported.

  • BREAKING: Now all functions use Math.trunc rounding method where rounding is required. The behavior is configurable on a per-function basis.

  • BREAKING: Undocumented onlyNumeric option was removed from nn and sv locales. If you relied on it, please contact me.

  • BREAKING: Flow is not supported anymore. If you relied on it, please contact me.

  • BREAKING: The locales now use regular functions instead of the UTC version, which should not break any code unless you used locales directly.

  • All functions that accept date arguments now also accept strings.

  • All functions now export options interfaces.

  • Now functions allow passing custom Date extensions like UTCDate. They will detect and use the arguments constructor to generate the result of the same class.

  • eachMonthOfInterval, eachQuarterOfInterval, eachWeekOfInterval, and eachYearOfInterval now accept the step option like most of the eachXOfInterval functions.

  • A new interval function that validates interval, emulating the v2 interval functions behavior.

  • differenceInX functions now accept options and allow setting up roundingMethod that configures how the result is rounded. Math.trunc is the default method.

prettier/prettier (prettier)


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Fix incorrect parser inference (#​15947 by @​fisker)

Files like .eslintrc.json were incorrectly formatted as JSONC files.

// Input
prettier --file-info .eslintrc.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "jsonc" }

// Prettier 3.2.4
prettier --file-info .eslintrc.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "json" }


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Throw errors for invalid code (#​15881 by @​fisker, @​Josh-Cena, @​auvred)
// Input

// Prettier 3.2.2

// Prettier 3.2.3
SyntaxError: Invalid left-hand side expression in unary operation (1:1)
> 1 | 1++;
    | ^
// Input
try {} catch (error = 1){}

// Prettier 3.2.2
try {
} catch (error) {}

// Prettier 3.2.3
SyntaxError: Catch clause variable cannot have an initializer. (1:23)
> 1 | try {} catch (error = 1){}
    |                       ^
Fix parser inference (#​15927 by @​fisker)
// Prettier 3.2.2
prettier --file-info tsconfig.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "json" }

// Prettier 3.2.3
prettier --file-info tsconfig.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "jsonc" }


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Fix crash when parsing template literal CSS in a JSX style tag using a spread attribute (#​15896 by @​eelco)

For example this code would crash before:

<style {...spread}>{`.{}`}</style>
Fix formatting error on optional call expression and member chain (#​15920 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
a(() => {}, c?.d());

// Prettier 3.2.1
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')

// Prettier 3.2.2
a(() => {}, c?.d());


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Fix formatting error on member chain (#​15915 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input

// Prettier 3.2.0
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')

// Prettier 3.2.1


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🔗 Release Notes


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Fix config file search (#​15363 by @​fisker)

Previously, we start search for config files from the filePath as a directory, if it happened to be a directory and contains config file, it will be used by mistake.

├─ .prettierrc
└─ test.js         (A directory)
  └─ .prettierrc
// Prettier 3.1.0
await prettier.resolveConfigFile(new URL("./test.js", import.meta.url));
// <CWD>/test.js/.prettierrc

// Prettier 3.1.1
await prettier.resolveConfigFile(new URL("./test.js", import.meta.url));
// <CWD>/.prettierrc
Skip explicitly passed symbolic links with --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern (#​15533 by @​sanmai-NL)

Since Prettier v3, we stopped following symbolic links, however in some use cases, the symbolic link patterns can't be filtered out, and there is no way to prevent Prettier from throwing errors.

In Prettier 3.1.1, you can use --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern to simply skip symbolic links.

Consistently use tabs in ternaries when useTabs is true (#​15662 by @​auvred)
// Input
	? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
	: ccccccccccccccc
	  ? ddddddddddddddd
	  : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
	    ? fffffffffffffff
	    : gggggggggggggggg;

// Prettier 3.1.0
	? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
	: ccccccccccccccc
	  ? ddddddddddddddd
	  : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
	    ? fffffffffffffff
	    : gggggggggggggggg;

// Prettier 3.1.1
	? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
	: ccccccccccccccc
		? ddddddddddddddd
		: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
			? fffffffffffffff
			: gggggggggggggggg;
Improve config file search (#​15663 by @​fisker)

The Prettier config file search performance has been improved by more effective cache strategy.

Fix unstable and ugly formatting for comments in destructuring patterns (#​15708 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
const {
  // bar
  // baz
}: Foo = expr;

// Prettier 3.1.0
const {
} // bar
// baz
: Foo = expr;

// Prettier 3.1.0 second output
const {
  foo1, // bar
} // baz
: Foo = expr;

// Prettier 3.1.1
const {
  // bar
  // baz
}: Foo = expr;
Support "Import Attributes" (#​15718 by @​fisker)

TypeScript 5.3 supports the latest updates to the import attributes proposal.

import something from "./something.json" with { type: "json" };
Fix false claim in docs that cursorOffset is incompatible with rangeStart/rangeEnd (#​15750 by @​ExplodingCabbage)

The cursorOffset option has in fact been compatible with rangeStart/rangeEnd for over 5 years, thanks to work by @​ds300. However, Prettier's documentation (including the CLI --help text) continued to claim otherwise, falsely. The documentation is now fixed.

Keep curly braces and from keyword in empty import statements (#​15756 by @​fisker)
// Input
import { } from 'foo';
import { /* comment */ } from 'bar';

// Prettier 3.1.0
import {} from "foo";
import /* comment */ "bar";

// Prettier 3.1.1
import {} from "foo";
import {} from /* comment */ "bar";
Keep empty import attributes and assertions (#​15757 by @​fisker)
// Input
import foo from "foo" with {};
import bar from "bar" assert {};

// Prettier 3.1.0
import foo from "foo";
import bar from "bar";

// Prettier 3.1.1
import foo from "foo" with {};
import bar from "bar" assert {};


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🔗 Release Notes


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Add preferUnplugged: true to package.json (#​15169 by @​fisker and @​so1ve)

Prettier v3 uses dynamic imports, user will need to unplug Prettier when Yarn's PnP mode is enabled, add preferUnplugged: true to package.json, so Yarn will install Prettier as unplug by default.

Support shared config that forbids require() (#​15233 by @​fisker)

If an external shared config package is used, and the package exports don't have require or default export.

In Prettier 3.0.2 Prettier fails when attempt to require() the package, and throws an error.

Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main defined in <packageName>/package.json
Allow argument of require() to break (#​15256 by @​fisker)
// Input
const plugin = require(
    ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js")
    : path.join(__dirname, "..")

// Prettier 3.0.2
const plugin = require(global.STANDALONE
  ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js")
  : path.join(__dirname, ".."));

// Prettier 3.0.3
const plugin = require(
    ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js")
    : path.join(__dirname, "..")
Do not print trailing commas in arrow function type parameter lists in ts code blocks (#​15286 by @​sosukesuzuki)
<!-- Input -->
const foo = <T>() => {}

<!-- Prettier 3.0.2 -->
const foo = <T,>() => {}

<!-- Prettier 3.0.3 -->
const foo = <T>() => {}
Support TypeScript 5.2 using / await using declaration (#​15321 by @​sosukesuzuki)

Support for the upcoming Explicit Resource Management feature in ECMAScript. using / await using declaration

   using foo = new Foo();
   await using bar = new Bar();


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Break after = of assignment if RHS is poorly breakable AwaitExpression or YieldExpression (#​15204 by @​seiyab)
// Input
const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData);

// Prettier 3.0.1
const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(

// Prettier 3.0.2
const { section, rubric, authors, tags } =
  await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData);
Do not add trailing comma for grouped scss comments (#​15217 by @​auvred)
/* Input */
$foo: (
	'property': (),
	// comment 1
	// comment 2

/* Prettier 3.0.1 */
$foo: (
  "property": (),
  // comment 1
  // comment 2,

/* Prettier 3.0.2 */
$foo: (
  "property": (),
  // comment 1
  // comment 2
Print declare and export keywords for nested namespace (#​15249 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
declare namespace abc1.def {}
export namespace abc2.def {}

// Prettier 3.0.1
namespace abc1.def {}
namespace abc2.def {}

// Prettier 3.0.2
declare namespace abc1.def {}
export namespace abc2.def {}


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Fix cursor positioning for a special case (#​14812 by @​fisker)
// <|> is the cursor position

/* Input */
// All messages are represented in JSON.
// So, the controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}".
import {<|>  } from "fs"

/* Prettier 3.0.0 */
// All messages are represented in JSON.
// So, the <|>controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}".
import {} from "fs"

/* Prettier 3.0.1 */
// All messages are represented in JSON.
// So, the controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}".
import {<|>} from "fs"
Fix plugins/estree.d.ts to make it a module (#​15018 by @​kingyue737)

Add export {} in plugins/estree.d.ts to fix the "File is not a module" error

Add parenthesis around leading multiline comment in return statement (#​15037 by @​auvred)
// Input
function fn() {
  return (
     * @&#8203;type {...}
     */ expresssion

// Prettier 3.0.0
function fn() {
  return /**
   * @&#8203;type {...}
   */ expresssion;

// Prettier 3.0.1
function fn() {
  return (
     * @&#8203;type {...}
     */ expresssion
Add support for Vue "Generic Components" (#​15066 by @​auvred)

<!-- Input -->
<script setup lang="ts" generic="T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4), U extends string | number | boolean"></script>

<!-- Prettier 3.0.0 -->
  generic="T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4), U extends string | number | boolean"

<!-- Prettier 3.0.1 -->
    T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4),
    U extends string | number | boolean
Fix comments print in IfStatement (#​15076 by @​fisker)
function a(b) {
  if (b) return 1; // comment
  else return 2;

/* Prettier 3.0.0 */
Error: Comment "comment" was not printed. Please report this error!

/* Prettier 3.0.1 */
function a(b) {
  if (b) return 1; // comment
  else return 2;
Add missing type definition for printer.preprocess (#​15123 by @​so1ve)
export interface Printer<T = any> {
  // ...
+ preprocess?:
+   | ((ast: T, options: ParserOptions<T>) => T | Promise<T>)
+   | undefined;
Add missing getVisitorKeys method type definition for Printer (#​15125 by @​auvred)
const printer: Printer = {
  print: () => [],
  getVisitorKeys(node, nonTraversableKeys) {
    return ["body"];
Add typing to support readonly array properties of AST Node (#​15127 by @​auvred)
// Input
interface TestNode {
  readonlyArray: readonly string[];

declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>; => "", "readonlyArray");

// Prettier 3.0.0
interface TestNode {
  readonlyArray: readonly string[];

declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>; => "", "readonlyArray");
//                  ^ Argument of type '"readonlyArray"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"regularArray"'. ts(2345)

// Prettier 3.0.1
interface TestNode {
  readonlyArray: readonly string[];

declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>; => "", "readonlyArray");
Add space before unary minus followed by a function call (#​15129 by @​pamelalozano)
// Input
div {
  margin: - func();

// Prettier 3.0.0
div {
  margin: -func();

// Prettier 3.0.1
div {
  margin: - func();


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🔗 Release Notes


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch 3 times, most recently from e21bf97 to cf81df5 Compare July 10, 2023 21:21
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch from cf81df5 to 5f2221c Compare August 3, 2023 07:17
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch from 5f2221c to 53aecfb Compare August 15, 2023 20:30
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch from 53aecfb to 6b38501 Compare August 29, 2023 14:44
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch from 6b38501 to 5941ef0 Compare October 8, 2023 01:32
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch from 5941ef0 to d76300f Compare October 30, 2023 21:07
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch from d76300f to c2a153d Compare November 13, 2023 03:15
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch from c2a153d to 1c2b57b Compare December 10, 2023 11:18
@renovate renovate bot changed the title Update dependency prettier to v3 Update Shared components packages to v3 (major) Dec 18, 2023
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch 7 times, most recently from 02beb6d to 970b739 Compare December 22, 2023 07:43
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch 2 times, most recently from c772601 to 1a38e74 Compare January 9, 2024 11:06
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch 5 times, most recently from 2295ae7 to e0ad835 Compare January 17, 2024 11:56
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch from e0ad835 to 96381ed Compare January 20, 2024 09:45
@renovate renovate bot force-pushed the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch from 96381ed to 5662942 Compare January 22, 2024 11:48
@renovate renovate bot changed the title Update Shared components packages to v3 (major) Update Shared components packages to v3 (major) - autoclosed Jan 24, 2024
@renovate renovate bot closed this Jan 24, 2024
@renovate renovate bot deleted the renovate/major-3-shared-components-packages branch January 24, 2024 14:15
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