A Trello clone built using the MERN stack.
The Trello board I used to organise this project's workflow:
"I used Trello to clone Trello." - Archawin Wongkittiruk (2020)
You will need Node.js, a browser, and a terminal to run this application. You can use any code editor. I developed this app with Visual Studio Code, and that is what I would recommend.
MONGO_URI - This application uses MongoDB Atlas to host the database in the cloud. You can also use a local database during development. See
JWT_SECRET - Any random string will do.
npm install
cd client
npm install
npm run dev
Major credits to this Udemy course by Brad Traversy for laying the groundwork for my understanding of the MERN stack:, the source code for which can be found at The quick start for this README was also inspired by that repository's quick start.