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This is a multi-use compass for the BBC Microbit. It can show magnetic force measured in Microtestlas(µT), Show the current heading and show an arrow pointing norht like a real compass.
- A Button Shows the Heading(updates after the text has finished scrolling)
- B Button shows the magnetic force in Microteslas(µT)
- A + B Buttons shows an Arrow pointing north
This repository can be added as an extension in MakeCode.
- open
- click on New Project
- click on Extensions under the gear icon menu
- search for and import
To edit this repository in MakeCode. If you do edit this project please credit me in the description
- open
- click on Import then click on Import URL
- paste and click import
This image shows the blocks code from the last commit in master. This image may take a few minutes to refresh.
- for PXT/microbit