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2.9.1 Homebrew Edition

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@oldmud0 oldmud0 released this 29 Apr 05:54

Some minor features and bugfixes since 2.9.0. This is Crystalwarrior's "early access" build, after he got fed up with me never fixing the CI pipeline for releases, so you can blame him for mistakes. (lol)

What's New

  • Narrator chat - when the IC emote is completely blank, only text is played back on the chatbox without altering any animations or overlays.
  • AUTH packet. Servers can now control programmatically whether the mod controls are shown, instead of having to send the magic string "Logged in as a moderator." See #489.
  • Logs now include OOC chat
  • Demos now support timers properly
  • Dropdowns elide left, allowing long names to be more readable:
    Illustration of dropdowns eliding left
  • Deprecated /min_wait for demos
  • All UI elements are now named. While this is not fully documented yet, you can obtain the full list of object names from #534. More info on CSS here:
  • Two new ways of controlling judge buttons: judge buttons can be forced on or off depending on certain conditions. One of them is through the network, but there is also a clientside option in the design.ini of any background that can define a list of positions where the judge button should be automatically enabled (e.g. judges=jud,jud2,jud3,judX).
  • You can now specify in the options menu the default scaling method for assets that do not otherwise specify a scaling method - so you can have "fast" (pixely) or "smooth" chosen as default. You should select "smooth" if you are using HD-resolution assets.


  • Fix evidence icons not appearing after evidence has been presented once
  • Fix demos containing messages with special characters not playing back correctly
  • Fix demos being recorded with incorrect timing information. When loading a demo with such an issue, you can choose to automatically have it fixed.
  • Fix demos being recorded with incorrect packet data (e.g. wrong encoding for things such as evidence by recording <and> instead of &)
  • Fix demos not recording evidence or timers
  • Fix demo playback not appearing on favorites list if serverlist.txt is missing
  • Fix demo server not sending help text if "Spectator" is selected
  • Fix final message in demo not being played
  • Fix timings for OOC being really busted if the max_wait option is -1 during demo playback
  • Fix blankposting forcing the message queue to sleep up until another message is received
  • Fix chat messages being lost to the ether if instant objection is used, or area is switched while message queue is not empty
  • Fix desynchronized logs options checkbox not loading from config properly
  • Fix crash selecting random track when music list contains tracks without a category
  • Fix per-emote stretch settings not working
  • Fix chat arrow being displayed even when blankposting
  • Fix animated themes freezing the client on Linux when joining a server with (too) many characters
  • Fix character-specific color list not being properly regenerated on a theme reload
  • Fix ~~, ~> and <> causing tick issues
  • Fix objections forcing a missingno to appear when you object to someone mid-preanim, and their preanim ends before objection shout finishes
  • Fix characters being incorrectly masked to the aspect ratio of the viewport even when the aspect ratio of the pixmap differed
  • Fix Cyrillic/non-Latin characters breaking configuration files
  • Fix regression where direct file paths (base/misc/blank) were not recognized
  • Fix shownames disappearing forever if a message is sent while the shownames checkbox is unticked
  • Fix using preanims with static images just breaking everything
  • Fix text_stay_time timer firing even if immediate is enabled
  • Euthanize Morton
  • Fix evidence