This project aims to archive LAME into the xcframework format supports all Apple platforms. It also supports integration using Swift Package Manager or CocoaPods for convenience.
LAME.xcframework | Build with | macOS | iOS | tvOS | watchOS | visionOS |
3.100.3 | Xcode 16.0 | 10.13+ | 12.0+ | 12.0+ | 4.0+ | 1.0+ |
3.100.0 | Xcode 12.5.1 | 10.10+ | 9.0+ | 9.0+ | 2.0+ | NA |
Through Xcode menu:
- File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
- Enter URL
Through Package.swift, add LAME as a dependency:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.100.3"))
Then add LAME to your target dependencies, like this:
.target(name: "YourTarget", dependencies: [
.product(name: "LAME", package: "LAME-xcframework"),
Tips: 中国大陆用户建议使用 gitee 镜像,安装更稳定。
pod 'LAME-xcframework', '~> 3.100'
Download source then build the xcframework yourself (see below for details). Then drag LAME.xcframework
into your project.
Right-click make-xcframwork.command and select "Open".
Or use the following commands.
cd macosx
- Update version in xcconfig, podspec and readme.
- Make package.
- Update package url and checksum in Package.swift and podspec.