This is database.dart, a vendor-agnostic database access API for Flutter and other Dart projects.
This version is just an early preview. The API may undergo many changes until we freeze it. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the development of this package.
Copyright 2019-2020 Gohilla Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
- 👫 Document & SQL database support. The API has been designed to support both SQL databases and document databases. You - or your customers - can always choose the best database without rewriting any code.
- 🔭 Full-text search engine support. The API supports forwarding specific queries to search engines that can, for example, handle natural language queries better than transaction databases. There are already several search engines already supported (Algolia, ElasticSearch, and a simple search engine written in Dart).
- Report issues at the issue tracker.
- Contributing a fix? Fork the repository, do your changes, and just create a pull request in Github. Key contributors will be invited to become project administrators in Github.
- database (Pub)
- database_adapter_algolia (Pub)
- database_adapter_elasticsearch (Pub)
- database_adapter_firestore_browser (Pub)
- database_adapter_firestore_flutter (Pub)
- database_adapter_postgre (Pub)
- database_adapter_sqlite (Pub)
- search (Pub)
Go to the main package.