Provides common utility classes, including collection manipulation, object manipulation, enumeration caching, LRU caching, timers, Word document character template replacement, amount tools, API calling tools, and more.
- ListUtil: conditional grouping, conditional de-duplication, conditional search (single, multiple), conditional search maximum, set illegal check
- ObjectUtil: remove all empty string of member variables, find member variables, map member variables to key-value, illegal validation
- EnumUtil: provide two ways to obtain enumeration values with cache and without cache, improve the efficiency of enumeration value search O(n)->O(1)
- LRUCache: bidirectional linked list and HashMap implementation, queued by recent use, cache reaches a threshold, the least used elements will be removed
- DocxUtil: replace the document, table template characters, the table can increase the line.
- MoneyUtil: Translate the figure amount into Chinese capitals.
- API Call: encapsulate API interface call process and optimize code structure.
- TimeCounter: Good timing tool
package com.megetood.example;
import com.megetood.example.enums.CoinEnum;
import com.megetood.util.EnumUtil;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import java.util.Optional;
* EnumUtil Example
* @author Chengdong Lei
* @date 2021/1/26
public class EnumUtilExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int key = 5;
CoinEnum targetEnum = CoinEnum.NICKEL;
// 枚举类设计缓存
CoinEnum anEnum = CoinEnum.getEnum(key);
// 使用缓存
Optional<CoinEnum> enumWithCache = EnumUtil.getEnumWithCache(CoinEnum.class, CoinEnum::getValue, key);
Assert.isTrue(targetEnum.equals( enumWithCache.get()),"不相等");
// 不使用缓存(遍历)
Optional<CoinEnum> enumResult = EnumUtil.getEnum(CoinEnum.class, CoinEnum::getValue, key);
- Add dependency
- Add your code
package com.megetood.example;
import com.megetood.util.DocxUtil;
import com.megetood.util.FileUtil;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* DocxUtil Example
* @author Chengdong Lei
* @date 2021/1/26
public class DocxUtilExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// file path is "resource/docx/template.docx"
String filePath = FileUtil.getSharedDataDir() + "docx\\template.docx";
String outputPath = FileUtil.getSharedDataDir() + "docx\\template01.docx";
HashMap<String, String> textMap = new HashMap<>();
textMap.put("poNum", "poNum123");
textMap.put("supplierName", "供应商123");
textMap.put("amount", "10000");
Map<String, String> rowMap = new HashMap<>();
rowMap.put("num", "1");
rowMap.put("itemCode", "wl123");
rowMap.put("uomName", "元");
rowMap.put("quantity", "20");
Map<String, String> rowMap2 = new HashMap<>();
rowMap2.put("num", "2");
rowMap2.put("itemCode", "wl223");
rowMap2.put("uomName", "元");
rowMap2.put("quantity", "30");
List<Map<String, String>> table = Arrays.asList(rowMap, rowMap2);
DocxUtil.WordVariable wordVariable = new DocxUtil.WordVariable(textMap, Arrays.asList(table));
.addPattern(new DocxUtil.Pattern("#{", "}"))
package com.megetood.example;
import com.megetood.util.MoneyUtil;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* MoneyUtil Example
* @author Chengdong Lei
* @date 2021/1/26
public class MoneyUtilExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
List<BigDecimal> list = Arrays.asList(
for (BigDecimal value : list) {
System.out.println("您输入的金额(小写)为:" + value);
System.out.println("您输入的金额(大写)为:" + MoneyUtil.toCNWords(value));
Using lambda expressions, functional programming ideas
package com.megetood.example;
import com.megetood.util.TimeCounter;
* TimeConter Example
* @author Chengdong Lei
* @date 2021/1/26
public class TimeCounterExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void exmaple2() {
TimeCounter.count(startTime -> doSomething()).between().print();
private static void exmaple1() {
TimeCounter timeCounter = new TimeCounter();
// do something
private static void doSomething() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
// do something