I love building quickly, and love building in python.
Focused on production NLP use-cases right now and always following the MLOps landscape
- Living in Boston, let's grab a drink!
- Leading an LLM team at EvolutionIQ focused on tackling big problems for injured workers.
- Host of the mlops.community virtual meetups. Reach out on slack if you have cool stuff to show!
- Had some fun building a spacy-spans to huggingface-tokens NER dataset converter. If you're doing NER work give it a try :)
- Working on Domain Adapted Language Models. Check out DALM to train SOTA retrievers for LLMs.
- Founding engineer at Galileo. Not there anymore but they're still building great NLP tools!
- 👀 Looking to learn Rust. If anyone wants to build and learn together please reach out