Get geolocation information based on domain or IP address.
Pure javascript implementation
If you are looking for a pure javascript implementation, the node-geoip
maybe your choice.
###Technical Architecture
###Memory leak issue As up to the version 0.4.7 (commit 22dadd98646f75318412b54b3de90cc079d34b1d), there will be some memory leak when new a object from GeoIP class.
Here is the report, I'll update it frequently.
Fortunately, the number of leaked bytes is not huge, and you wont new a object very offen.
If you are willing to fix this but, please fork this project.
###Need support special database? Corrently, this package supports the most common databases from MaxMind.
But, it still a lot of special databases out there.
Since I am not a user of any product/service of maxmind, if you require this pacakge to support special db, please make sure you can delivery the testing db and the ip address/domain that can be used to against the db.
[sudo] npm install geoip [-g]
[sudo] npm install [email protected] [-g]
[sudo] npm install [email protected] [-g]
From v0.4.0, geoip need nodejs >= 0.4.0, if you want to use it on old nodejs, you can:
npm install [email protected]
###Check edition
var edition = geoip.check('/path/to/file');
console.log(edition); // output 'country', 'city', 'org'... so on
###Create a new instance of sub-module, for example:
var city = new geoip.City('/path/to/GeoLiteCity.dat', false); // not to cache the database
var city = new geoip.City('/path/to/GeoLiteCity.dat'); // the default option is cache
###Update database on the fly:
ipv4 address lookup
// Open the country data file
var Country = geoip.Country;
var country = new Country('/path/to/GeoIP.dat');
// Synchronous method(the recommended way):
var country_obj = country.lookupSync('');
{ country_code: 'US',
country_code3: 'USA',
country_name: 'United States',
continent_code: 'NA'
// Asynchronous method:
country.lookup('', function(err, data) {
if (err) {throw err;}
if (data) { // if not found, just return null
console.log(data); // same as lookup method
ipv6 address lookup (Currently only Country and City module supports ipv6)
// Open the ipv6 edition of country module
var Country6 = geoip.Country6;
var country_v6 = new Country6('/path/to/GeoIPv6.dat');
// Synchronous method
var country_obj_v6 = country_v6.lookupSync('2607:f0d0:1002:0051:0000:0000:0000:0004');
console.log(country_obj_v6); // Same as ipv4
{ country_code: 'US',
country_code3: 'USA',
country_name: 'United States',
continent_code: 'NA'
// Asynchronous method
country_v6.lookup('2400:2352:b0f1:36c5:aa9d:694a:2f98:40bd', function(err, data_v6) {
if (err) {throw err;}
if (data_v6) {
country_code: 'JP',
country_code3: 'JPN',
country_name: 'Japan',
continent_code: 'AS'
ipv4 address lookup
// Open the GeoLiteCity.dat file first.
var City = geoip.City;
var city = new City('/path/to/GeoLiteCity.dat');
Synchronous method:
var city_obj = city.lookupSync('');
Return an object of city information
"country_name":"United States",
"city":"Mountain View",
Asynchronous method:
city.lookup('', function(err, data) {
if (err) {throw err;}
if (data) {
ipv6 address lookup
// Open the GeoLiteCityv6.dat file first.
var City6 = geoip.City6;
var city6 = new City6('/path/to/GeoLiteCityv6.dat');
Synchronous method:
var city6_obj = city6.lookupSync('2002:7679:b9af:db9b:ab51:501a:db4e:2d');
country_code: 'CN',
country_code3: 'CHN',
country_name: 'China',
region: '32',
city: 'Chengdu',
latitude: 30.66670036315918,
longitude: 104.06670379638672,
continent_code: 'AS'
Asynchronous method:
city6.lookup('2002:c6aa:2dc8:b719:4314:2a7d:e31c:fe73', function(err, data) {
if (err) {throw err;}
if (data) {
/* As expected ,return an object that contains city information
country_code: 'US',
country_code3: 'USA',
country_name: 'United States',
region: 'CO',
city: 'Englewood',
postal_code: '80112',
latitude: 39.569000244140625,
longitude: -104.85820007324219,
continent_code: 'NA'
var Org = geoip.Org;
var org = new Org('/path/to/file') // Org module can open three edition database 'org', 'asnum', 'isp'
Synchronous method:
var org_str = org.lookupSync('');
The type of returned data is string, for example:
'AS15169 Google Inc.'
no longer an object
Asynchronous method:
org.lookup('', function(err, data) {
if (err) {throw err;}
if (data) {
var Region = geoip.Region;
var region = new Region('/path/to/GeoIPRegion.dat');
Synchronous method:
var region_obj = region.lookupSync('');
region object has two properties:
{ country_code: 'US', region: 'CO' }
Asynchronous method:
region.lookup('', function(err, data) {
if (err) {throw err;}
if (data) {
var NetSpeed = geoip.NetSpeed;
var netspeed = new NetSpeed('/path/to/GeoIPNetSpeed.dat');
Synchronous method:
var netspeed_str = netspeed.lookupSync('');
netspeed_str just a simple string, 'Dialup', 'Corprate'... so on
Asynchronous method:
netspeed.lookup('', function(err, data) {
if (err) {throw err;}
if (data) {
console.log(data); // Maybe return 'unknow' or different from lookup method