SyncMeApp is an application for one-way synchronization of two folders. The application will turn the target folder into an exact copy of the source folder (recursively). Synchronization can be done repeatedly using the application timer.
Run application via \SyncMeApp\bin\Debug\net8.0\SyncMeApp.exe Enter parameters in the format parameter1=value parameter2=value ... (parameters are split by spaces, no spaces around '=' sign or '-' sign ahead of the parameter).
- Required parameters:
- sourcedirectory --> Path to the source folder ( Wrap the path in doublequotes "". If path ends with backslash, it needs to be escaped -> "\")
- replicadirectory --> Path to the replica folder ( Wrap the path in doublequotes "". If path ends with backslash, it needs to be escaped -> "\". Will be created if it doesn't exist)
- logfile --> Path to the log file (will be created if it doesn't exist)
- Optional parameters:
- interval --> Timer repeat period (0 (default) will turn off the timer)
- timeunit --> Unit of the interval (supported values: ms (default), s, min, h, d)
- fileloglevel --> Minimal level of file log level (Logs this level and higher. Supported values: debug, info, warn (default), error, fatal, off (turns off logging to a file))
- consoleloglevel --> Minimal level of console log level (Logs this level and higher. Supported values: debug, info (default), warn, error, fatal, off (turns off logging to a file))
Example: Minimal configuration: SyncMeApp.exe sourcedirectory="d:\TestSource\" replicadirectory="d:\TestReplica\" logfile="d:\log\log.txt"
Full configuration: SyncMeApp.exe sourcedirectory="d:\TestSource\" replicadirectory="d:\TestReplica\" logfile="d:\log\log.txt" interval=10 timeunit=min fileloglevel=info consoleloglevel=warn
- Any files in the replica folder may be deleted or overwritten!