Unlock cars in Midtown Madness(1999)
Usage: MidMadTweaker.exe [-h] Input Output
Positional Arguments:
Input: Input file to read from
Output: Output file to write to
Optional Arguments:
-h: Show this help and exit
Note: Input and Output can both be same...
Use it on UI.ar file like this:
MidMadTweaker.exe UI.ar UI.ar
g++ -m32 -o MidMadTweaker_x86 -static -Ofast -Wall -Werror -std=c++0x MidMadTweaker.cpp
g++ -m64 -o MidMadTweaker_x64 -static -Ofast -Wall -Werror -std=c++0x MidMadTweaker.cpp