CECS 491A - Front-end for BiteBody, created with React.js
Created by Bryan Rojas, Hector Mendoza, David Ibarra, Malik Coleman
- Ensure git is installed on computer. You can verify by running the following command on your terminal.
git --version
- Clone the GitHub repository.
git clone https://github.com/Bite-Body/bitebody-front-end.git
- Verify Node.js is installed.
npm -version
- Change directory (cd) into the project folder.
cd bitebody-front-end
- Install Node.js dependencies.
npm install
- Running front-end client.
npm run start
- Ensure the repository is cloned and you can change directory (cd) where it is located.
git clone https://github.com/Project-RHR/Front-end.git
cd Front-end
- Pull the latest version from GitHub
git pull
- Create a branch for your changes. The name of the branch should be relevant to the work/changes being done.
git checkout -b "Bug-Fix"
- Add changes to your branch via git add command. "." character can be replace with a specific file if you don't want to add all changed files.
git add .
- Commit changes with a relevant message.
git commit -m "Bug-Fix: Fixed issue with login."
- Push changes to GitHub
git push origin HEAD
Create Pull Request
Send pull request to CECS 491A Discord Chat
Wait for code review and someone else to approve your changes.
Merge changes to master branch.