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Releases: Bitl/RaidenExtractor-Rockbox

10 Apr 19:03
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  • Changing the music path on the textbox will now properly change the path.
  • Added an option that allows Raiden to use the first album artist rather than the first contributing artist.

CMD is the most compatible. Includes releases for Windows, Mac and Linux on x64 and ARM64. Run the RB_Raiden executable in your terminal/command prompt to get a detailed listing of command line parameters.

GUI is only compatible with Windows, but can be used under Wine or Proton in other operating systems. Includes releases for Windows on x86 , x64 and ARM64. Just launch the application, set the path and go!

08 Feb 02:34
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  • Fixed a bug where songs without defined albums won't load in Rockbox players.
    NOTE: if your cover still refuses to show up, you MUST add an album title tag to the song, or you must re extract the individual song's cover without "Store directly in Rockbox" on.

RaidenExtractor-CMD is the most compatible. Includes releases for Windows, Mac and Linux on x64 and ARM64. Run the RB_Raiden executable in your terminal/command prompt to get a detailed listing of command line parameters.

RaidenExtractor-GUI is only compatible with Windows, but can be used under Wine or Proton in other operating systems. Includes releases for Windows on x86 , x64 and ARM64. Just launch the application, set the path and go!

08 Feb 02:00
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  • Fixed an issue where album art wouldn't appear on Rockbox players due to wrongful artist names on the cover image file names.

NOTE: as of this release, the CMD and GUI are compiled into 1 zip file to streamline the release process.

RaidenExtractor-CMD is the most compatible. Includes releases for Windows, Mac and Linux on x64 and ARM64. Run the RB_Raiden executable in your terminal/command prompt to get a detailed listing of command line parameters.

RaidenExtractor-GUI is only compatible with Windows, but can be used under Wine or Proton in other operating systems. Includes releases for Windows on x86 , x64 and ARM64. Just launch the application, set the path and go!


08 Jan 23:27
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Global changes

  • Set the default image format to .JPEG/JPG instead of .BMP.
  • Set the default image size from 500x500 to 300x300.
  • The program now excludes most modern video formats and most modern Rockbox files.
  • Improved program efficiency.
  • Added support for storing images into the Rockbox Simulator through an additional option titled "Use Simulator Path". Enable the "Store directly in Rockbox" option before enabling this. If you wish to store images normally in each album folder shown in the Rockbox Simulator, this isn't necessary.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Store directly in Rockbox" option wouldn't save images with the correct Rockbox naming requirements.
  • Fixed a bug where enabling the "Extract art for every track" option would work when the "Store directly in Rockbox" option is disabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Store directly in Rockbox" option wouldn't grab the proper album title.
  • Improved image file names.

GUI Changes:

  • Added the ability for the program to pull default values from the globally stored values.
  • Improved message boxes.
  • Added a message upon clicking the "Store directly in Rockbox" setting.
  • Added a "height" label for images.
  • Made the status panel more specific.
  • The UI will no longer lock up when extracting files.

CMD Changes:

  • Fixed "True" or "False" randomly appearing in the console.
  • Reduced output for faster speed.

RaidenExtractor-CMD is the most compatible. Includes releases for Windows, Mac and Linux on x64 and ARM64. Run the RB_Raiden executable in your terminal/command prompt to get a detailed listing of command line parameters.

RaidenExtractor-GUI is only compatible with Windows, but can be used under Wine or Proton in other operating systems. Includes releases for Windows on x86 , x64 and ARM64. Just launch the application, set the path and go!


07 Jan 01:33
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CMD Changes:

  • Implemented the ability to save album covers directly in your Rockbox install's folder. (the GUI has the same feature, see release v1.0.1.)
  • The program will now pause at certain sections to allow the user to easily review their settings before beginning.
  • There is now a command line variable that allows the user to disable pausing.

GUI Changes:

  • Edited some text for better clarity.

RaidenExtractor-CMD is the most compatible. Includes releases for Windows, Mac and Linux on x64 and ARM64. Run the RB_Raiden executable in your terminal/command prompt to get a detailed listing of command line parameters.

RaidenExtractor-GUI is only compatible with Windows, but can be used under Wine or Proton in other operating systems. Includes releases for Windows on x86 , x64 and ARM64. Just launch the application, set the path and go!

View for more info about the application.


07 Jan 00:59
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GUI Changes:

  • Added the ability to save album covers directly in your Rockbox install's folder.

NOTE: the GUI only has this feature because I forgot to implement it into the CMD. v1.0.2 later today will include this.

RaidenExtractor-CMD is the most compatible. Includes releases for Windows, Mac and Linux on x64 and ARM64. Run the RB_Raiden executable in your terminal/command prompt to get a detailed listing of command line parameters.

RaidenExtractor-GUI is only compatible with Windows, but can be used under Wine or Proton in other operating systems. Includes releases for Windows on x86 , x64 and ARM64. Just launch the application, set the path and go!

View for more info about the application.


06 Jan 22:41
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RaidenExtractor-CMD is the most compatible. Includes releases for Windows, Mac and Linux on x64 and ARM64. Run the RB_Raiden executable in your terminal/command prompt to get a detailed listing of command line parameters.

RaidenExtractor-GUI is only compatible with Windows, but can be used under Wine or Proton in other operating systems. Includes releases for Windows on x86 , x64 and ARM64. Just launch the application, set the path and go!

View for more info about the application.