RMUD is an open-source, community project initially conceptualized on the MUD subreddit in 2014. Garnering enough interest, several now core members came together and work began on creating a game that was something different from all the high-fantasy in the genre, opting for the less popularized Fantastique genre.
Glad to hear! There is plenty to be done!
At this point in time, RMUD is still in a pre-alpha state. The engine that will power our game is not based off an existing codebase, instead being built from scratch in C#. We do not have a set road-map yet, but plenty of issues are currently waiting to be tackled. Feel free to hop in any of the threads and offer ideas or help. If you are more interested in programming, feel free to fork the repo and start hacking away! More information on the code can be found here.
Anything else, feel free to ask!
A road-map and task-list will be up within the coming weeks.
As of September 2014, RMUD is currently in active development. The game is not in a playable state, although the skeleton of the server can be tested at rmud.trevoke.com:8669.