CubeRD is a Rubik's Cube Solver and timer that implements opencv's template recognition and kociemba's algorithm for optimally solving the popular Rubik's Cube puzzle. Users can take a picture of all the faces of the cube, and get a near-optimal step-by-step solution within seconds. Additionally, for experienced speed cubers we have included a timer that contains all the features you would expect from a competitive timer: scrambles, averages, history of all solves, penalties such DNF/ +2, and much more.
This is currently a work in progress and the UI would suffer changes in the future.
Built with
- Android Studio
- OpenCV
Apks would be released once we get to a stable version. The following is a tutorial of how to get the source code running on Android Studio
Download project using:
git clone
Open Android Studio and then click on file > open, and navigate to the project's folder, select the folder and click OK.
Dowload OpenCV 4.1.0 library through their official link.
- Extract the contents of the zip.
- In Android Studio click file > project structure.
- Under the modules tab click on +.
- Click on Import graddle project.
- Navigate to the OpenCV folder and select the folder named sdk .
- Change the module name to OpenCvLibrary410 and hit finish.