The purpose of this package is to provide common set of tools
that can be used in development of tests. Package now contains
, data_table
, executable
, ipconfigurer
, packet_crafter
, spirent
, trex
and vlan_config
The package also includes the Topology
plugin for pytest. The plugin provides
a set of fixtures and pre-defined pytest arguments that can be used to prepare
a testing environment. The Topology
plugin is automatically installed into
pytest with the lbr_testsuite
Package lbr_testsuite
is hosted in PyPI index.
You can list all available versions by following this link.
This project uses GitLab CI pipeline which is triggered
with every new commit. If coding style (PEP8) check passes, then
pipeline creates .whl package from contents inside lbr_testsuite
folder. This package can be found in build
step of pipeline and downloaded
for manual installation.
If the pipeline triggers on the master
branch, the package is also published.
Releases (tagged commits) are uploaded to PyPI, development versions are uploaded
to internal GitLab's Package Registry.
Version of the package is controlled using git tags. Development package names
are composed from current version and the hash of the last commit.
Development of this repository is done mainly through GitLab. The repository is mirrored to GitHub for the purpose of publishing the code.
Install from PyPI index via command:
pip install lbr-testsuite
The PyPI index contains only release versions. The development version of
the package can be obtained by installing it from the GitLab's Package Registry.
The Package Registry have to be specified as index url. Authentication via
personal access token
with scope set to api
must be used.
For common
import lbr_testsuite
All stuff from common module are available directly under the lbr_testsuite package.
For data_table
from lbr_testsuite import data_table
Provides tools for storing results and generating graphs not only for throughput tests.
For executable
from lbr_testsuite import executable
Executable module provides Tool, AsyncTool and Daemon convenient classes for local or remote execution of various commands.
For ipconfigurer
from lbr_testsuite import ipconfigurer
Ipconfigurer provides API for ip configuration using pyroute2 library.
For packet_crafter
from lbr_testsuite import packet_crafter
Classes providing high-level packet crafting. Used for trex
For profiling
from lbr_testsuite import profiling
Provides measures for profiling, such as perf tool or cache misses.
For spirent
from lbr_testsuite import spirent
Provides API for Spirent Test Center (STC).
For trex
from lbr_testsuite import trex
Provides our custom API for Cisco TRex traffic generator. Official API is provided by required package lbr_trex_client.
For vlan_config
from lbr_testsuite import vlan_config
Helper class for VLAN configuration management.
- Jan Sobol,
- Pavel Krobot,
- Dominik Tran,
This project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details.
The software was partially developed within the scope of the Security Research Programme of the Czech Republic 2015-2022 (BV III / 1 VS) granted by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic under the project No. VI20192022137 -- Adaptive protection against DDoS attacks (AdaptDDoS).