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This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 18, 2023. It is now read-only.


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⚠️ This project has been decommissioned and is no longer maintained or supported.



This project contains the Harbor application and enrichment providers that support it. Please refer to our book for a comprehensive explanation.


Harbor is under active development. We are currently working at a 0.1.0 pre-release semver level. There is no guarantee of stable interfaces or backward compatability at this time. We would be thrilled to have additional contributors and end-users, but we want to make sure you are aware of that before you decide to invest your time and resources.


For more information about our Security, Vulnerability, and Responsible Disclosure Policies, see

Developer System Requirements


The following environment variables are referenced in code. When possible, defaults are provided that support the docker-compose configuration found in the sdk/devenv folder.

  • SNYK_TOKEN - A valid Snyk API token. Required if using the Snyk integrations.
  • HARBOR_FILE_STORE - Path specification for file storage. When using an S3StorageProvider this should be the bucket name with path prefix where you wish to store generated files. When using a FileSystemStorageProvider this should be a valid directory or volume on the host machine or container running the job.
  • DOCDB_CONFIG - DocumentDB connection configuration. If not set, tests will default to the configuration that supports the docker-compose.yaml environment specified in the sdk/devenv folder. The primary Harbor installation is backed by DocumentDB, but any MongoDB 5.0 compliant database should be usable. Dynamic configuration is not yet implemented, but pull requests are welcome if community members need this capability before we can get to it. The current DocumentDB config expects a JSON document with the following schema:

Secrets are programattically pulled into the environment via direnv and the script in sdk/devenv/.envrc. On the terminal, when you cd sdk/devenv, the direnv shell extension will automatically load the secrets into the necessary environment variables. Once you change to another directory they will be automatically unloaded.

  1. Copy sdk/devenv/.env.example into sdk/devenv/.env
  2. Add values for the aws profile and secret names
  3. cd sdk/devenv
  4. direnv allow .

Getting Started as a Contributor

  1. Clone the repository and cd into its directory.
git clone [email protected]:cms-enterprise/sbom-harbor`

cd sbom-harbor
  1. Install git pre-commit hooks.
pre-commit install

Project Documentation

Project documentation and additional developer guidance can be found on our GitPage.

Crate Documentation

The documentation for each crate can be generated from source using cargo or rustdoc. We plan to integrate the rustdoc output with theproject documentation in time. However, that requires additional tooling that we haven't gotten to yet. That would make a great first contribution. If you are willing, a PR will definitely be considered.

To generate the crate documentation, clone the repository, and then run the following command from the root directory.

cargo doc --no-deps

Documentation for each crate will be generated and output to the target/doc subdirectory.


To build all workspace targets on the local machine run the following from the root directory.

cargo build

To build a single crate run the following from the root directory.

cargo build --workspace -p <crate-name> # e.g. use harbor-api or harbor-cli as the final argument.

By default, this will produce a debug build in the target/debug directory. To produce a release binary run the following.

cargo build --release

The release build can be found in the target/release directory.

Try it out

There are several use cases addressed by this repository. The following sections detail how to try out each one.

Local Development Environment

If you wish to run Harbor locally using the development environment found in the sdk/devenv directory, open a new terminal and run the following command.

cd sdk/devenv && docker compose up

Sbom Ingestion & Enrichment

Many teams at CMS have been onboarded to Snyk. That fact made a Snyk integration an appealing first target. Currently, Harbor supports ingesting SBOMs using the Snyk API. A generic GitHub ingestion provider is imminent. Similarly, an enrichment provider based on an Open Source vulnerability data provider is on the short-term roadmap. Stay tuned for updates on how to get started with purely Open Source tools.

Make sure all environment variables are set and then run the following command.

Note: this assumes you are running the command from the root directory of the repository and that you have run a release build as described above.

./target/release/harbor sbom -p snyk

Once you have ingested the SBOMs from the Snyk API, you can then use Harbor to call the API for all identified packages, and store any known vulnerability findings for each package.

./target/release/harbor enrich -p snyk

If you wish to run the above commands against the local development environment provided in the sdk/devenv directory, add the --debug flag.

./target/release/harbor sbom --debug -p snyk