We have chosen to use the Express Framework.
We are using eslint with eslint-watch for linting.
We are using npm-check for dependency and vulnerability checking.
We are using Jest for our testing framework.
- Although Docker should already be configured (see
) as necessary, you may need to install the Docker Daemon on your machine to properly complete the assignment. Read the get-started guide for downloading Docker locally. If you're on a Linux OS, starting here would be more helpful. MAKE sure you do not install docker via snap. Snap's version of docker is outdated
You should have received an email about signing-up/accepting a assignment/lab from Microsoft, related to the class and registering with azure. Let us know if you haven't. We recommend using the Azure Cli to access your account info.
Using your Azure credentials, follow these instructions to manually setup a Virtual Machine suitable for running Docker with the following considerations:
- Instead of
use your project team name as your Docker Machine name. - Use "Standard_A1_v2" as the plan name / VM size.
- Before running docker-create (creating your VM), make sure to additionally add the flag/option --azure-resource-group cmu-17-356 when running the command.
- The full command you'll run should look something like this:
docker-machine create -d azure \ --azure-subscription-id $sub \ --azure-ssh-user azureuser \ --azure-open-port 80 \ --azure-resource-group cmu-17-356 \ --azure-size "Standard_A1_v2" \ $repository_name
- stop before the step "run a container".
- Copy the IP address of your VM and your $repository_name (i.e. project/machine-name) into your Github Actions
- If you've set that ENV var, Run
cp -r "$DOCKER_CERT_PATH" ./azure
to copy your deployment certificates into your repository. Otherwise, you can runcp -r ~/.docker/machine/machines/$repository_name/* ./azure
This should enable automatic deployment via Github Actions!