This is the Norwegian novel collection for the ELTeC, the European Literary Text Collection, produced by COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History (CA16204,
General information about ELTeC releases is available at
- v0.5.0, April 2021: This release contains 53 novels. The DOI of this release is: 10.5281/zenodo.4662724.
- v0.3.0, November 2020: The ELTeC-nor collection as it stands contains 27 novels encoded at level 1, 21 in Bokmål and 6 in Nynorsk. The corpos composition criteria are not yet fully fulfilled. The DOI of this release is: 10.5281/zenodo.3521572.
Collection editors: Michael Preminger and Christian Emil Smith Ore.
Sources: Det norske Bokselskap, National library of Norway, Det norske språk- og lituraturselskap
All texts included in this collection are in the public domain. The textual markup is provided with a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 licence (CC BY,