I'm so glad you found me! I'm Josh and I love data!
Did you know you can use data to:
- Learn about people in need?
- Teach a computer to play Tic Tac Toe?
- Predict how much your house will sell for?
- Help people teach themselves more skills?
Check out some of my projects to see more.
But enough about work, what about me?
I love the outdoors, and I've traveled all over! I've met the most amazing people in beautiful countries and the most beautiful places right here in my home, The United States of America! Have you ever been to Crater Lake in Oregon, or Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming? You should!
How about seen the Golden Mountain in Ecuador or Mt. Kenya in...Kenya! Travel is the best.
I also love talking about my passions, like...education! I was a preschool teacher for 7 years and was known as "The Toddler Whisperer." Here's the trick, kids like to be seen, heard, and treated like they matter and have something important to offer. If you show them you like and respect them, you'll usually earn their love quickly. I also love talking about self-driven education. I started 3 schools around project-based learning and self-driven online education. If you want to learn a new skill, hit me up, I might have some advice.
🔭 I’m currently teaching self-driven adults about data science and assisting them in changing their own lives.
Shoot me an email at: [email protected]
Check out my articles at https://caellwyn.medium.com
Or my LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-johnson-049a2619/
Or my repositories right below!
Thanks for stopping by, have a great day!