Furby language definitions and translation.
I made some adjustments from the book that came from the original first generation furby since there were some errors.
Clone this repository.
Navigate into the directory with cd path/to/Furbish
Run this command:
node translate.js
You will see this usage information.
translate options [message]
-e --english Furbish to English
-f --furbish English to Furbish
-h --help Get usage information.
Output words surrounded by {} didn't translate directly.
To translate a sentence from English to Furbish run this command:
node translate.js -f "I love to watch the sunset"
kay may-may ay-ay dah a-loh nah-bah
(I love to see big light down)
~$ node translator.js -f me worry you no like sunset
kah boh-bay u-nye boo toh-loo dah a-loh nah-bah
node translator.js -e kah boh-bay u-nye boo toh-loo dah a-loh nah-bah
me worry you no like sunset
You can also view my reference material directly in the /reference folder.
The Furbish language appears to be very contexual and there are in theory thousands of compound words so I will continually update this project as long as there is continued interest.
It is a work in progress to take it with a grain of salt.
Implement Synonyms (Eat/Hungry)