This was the fourth project for the Udacity nanodegree, in Front-End Web Developer
Here is the link to view this project live and play the game, please click it below:
Arcade Game Clone: The Princess Frog
If you want to download and install the game, and playing locally please follow this steps:
- click on this buttom and choose, clone or download;
$ git clone
- and open your game, by clicking in the index.html file;
The goal of the game, is score 1600 points, by reaching the water, and avoid hiting by a car, here is the layout.
everytime you hit by a car, you lost a live, and if you didn't reach the 1600 points before the time you lose it too.
Although, the game is complete to submit, I have the intention to put other features:
- for user can reach the 1600 points easily, collecting bugs, hearts, and flowers.
- user can choose which caracter he wants for playing
Coding - Catarina Veiga;
Design - Catarina Veiga;
This code was provided by Udacity, to complete the project in the Front-End Nanodegree.
I learned many things with this project, and for me was easier than the memory game, since I decided to complete this project right before I finished the memory game, so I remembered how I did things work. Although I'm not complete the game, missing a few details. But I want to add those things a soon as possible.
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007