Alternative to quartz pruning
.AddCore(options =>
Defaults will start the prune 1-10 (random) minutes after startup, and then every 1h after this.
The method is just fine for a handful of servers, but if you have a lot of servers, you should use quartz instead to ensure just a single prune process is run for your entire cluster.
Tons of helper classses and extension methods to make implementing a client project trivial.
Makes it trivial to implement a client controller that can handle external logins using the authentication code flow.
public class AuthenticationController : Controller
public ActionResult LogIn(string returnUrl) => this.InitiateAuthorizationCodeLogin(returnUrl, "mgnt_user");
[HttpGet("~/callback/login"), HttpPost("~/callback/login"), IgnoreAntiforgeryToken]
public Task<ActionResult> LogInCallback() => this.StoreRemoteAuthInSchemeAsync(resultPrincipal =>
var requiredClaim = new HashSet<string>
requiredClaim.ExceptWith(resultPrincipal.GetClaim(OpenIddictConstants.Claims.Role)?.Split(" ") ?? []);
if (requiredClaim is { Count: > 0 } missingPermissions)
return View("NotEnoughPermission",
new NotEnoughPermissionModel { PermissionsMissing = missingPermissions.ToList() });
return null;
and logouts:
public class AuthenticationController : Controller
[HttpPost("~/logout"), ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public Task<ActionResult> LogOut(string returnUrl) => this.LocalAndRemoteLogOutAsync(returnUrl);
[HttpGet("~/callback/logout"), HttpPost("~/callback/logout"), IgnoreAntiforgeryToken]
public Task<ActionResult> LogOutCallback() => this.RemoteLogOutCallbackAsync();
Makes it trivial to implement a client razor page that can handle external logins using the authentication code flow.
Notice this uses callback url to /login/callback
, instead of /callback/login
as the controller example above.
public class LoginModel : PageModel
public List<string>? PermissionsMissing { get; private set; }
//as a page
public void OnGet() {}
public ChallengeResult OnPost([FromQuery]string? returnUrl) => this.InitiateAuthorizationCodeLogin(returnUrl ?? "/", "my-client");
//or as a button somewhere else
//public ChallengeResult OnGet([FromQuery]string? returnUrl) => this.InitiateAuthorizationCodeLogin(returnUrl ?? "/", "my-client");
public Task<ActionResult> OnGetCallbackAsync() => CallbackAsync();
public Task<ActionResult> OnPostCallbackAsync() => CallbackAsync();
private Task<ActionResult> CallbackAsync() => this.StoreRemoteAuthInSchemeAsync(resultPrincipal =>
var requiredClaim = new HashSet<string>
requiredClaim.ExceptWith(resultPrincipal.GetClaim(OpenIddictConstants.Claims.Role)?.Split(" ") ?? []);
if (requiredClaim is not { Count: > 0 } missingPermissions) return null;
//show the user the problem
PermissionsMissing = missingPermissions.ToList();
return Page();
@page "{handler?}" //<----------------- Notice this
@model LoginModel
@if (Model.PermissionsMissing is null)
ViewData["Title"] = "Login";
<h1>Welcome to my Example!</h1>
<form method="post">
<button class="btn btn-lg" type="submit">Sign in></button>
ViewData["Title"] = "Missing permissions";
<h1 class="text-danger">Missing permissions.</h1>
<p class="text-danger"><span class="text-success">Authentication on the remote site was successful</span>, but you are lacking the required scope to access this site.</p>
@foreach (var item in Model.PermissionsMissing)
<li>Missing: @item</li>
and logouts:
public class LogoutModel : PageModel
public Task<ActionResult> OnGetAsync([FromQuery]string? returnUrl) => this.LocalAndRemoteLogOutAsync(returnUrl ?? "/");
public Task<ActionResult> OnGetCallbackAsync() => this.RemoteLogOutCallbackAsync();
public Task<ActionResult> OnPostCallbackAsync() => this.RemoteLogOutCallbackAsync();
@page "{handler?}"
@model LogoutModel
Makes it trivial to implement a client minimal api that can handle external logins using the authentication code flow.
//call from login page, if you require user is logged out before logging in again
host.MapGet("/logoutAndRedirect", (Delegate)([AllowAnonymous](HttpContext httpContext) => httpContext.EnsureLoggedOut($"/login{httpContext.Request.QueryString.Value ?? ""}")));
//post to this endpoint from the login page
host.MapPost("/login-oidc", [AllowAnonymous](HttpContext httpContext, string returnUrl) => httpContext.InitiateAuthorizationCodeLogin(returnUrl, providerName));
//navigate to this endpoint from the login page
host.MapGet("/login-oidc", [AllowAnonymous](HttpContext httpContext, string returnUrl) => httpContext.InitiateAuthorizationCodeLogin(returnUrl, providerName));
//the configured callback url of the oidc client
host.MapGet("/login/callback", (Delegate)((HttpContext httpContext) => httpContext.StoreRemoteAuthInSchemeAsync(customCheck, storeRemoteInfo)));
//post to this endpoint from the logout page
host.MapPost("/logout-oidc", [AllowAnonymous](HttpContext httpContext, string returnUrl = "/") => httpContext.LocalAndRemoteLogOutAsync(returnUrl));
//the configured callback url of the oidc client
host.MapGet("/logout/callback", (Delegate)((HttpContext httpContext) => httpContext.RemoteLogOutCallbackAsync()));
You can also add a dummy parameter to get rid of the cast to Delegate
host.MapGet("/logoutAndRedirect", [AllowAnonymous](HttpContext httpContext, string? _ = null) => httpContext.EnsureLoggedOut($"/login{httpContext.Request.QueryString.Value ?? ""}"));
Blazor login page example:
@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager
<EditForm OnValidSubmit="Submit">...</EditForm>
@code {
private string ReturnUrl { get; set; } = "/";
private void Submit() => NavigationManager.NavigateTo($"/login-oidc?returnUrl={Uri.EscapeDataString(ReturnUrl)}", forceLoad: true);
//and force logout before re-login:
private Task<AuthenticationState> AuthenticationState { get; set; } = default!;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
if ((await AuthenticationState).User?.Identity?.IsAuthenticated == true) { NavigationManager.NavigateTo($"/LogoutAndRedirect{new Uri(NavigationManager.Uri).Query}", new NavigationOptions() {ForceLoad = true, ReplaceHistoryEntry = true}); }
Helpers to make it trivial to implement a client that pulls the language and culture info from the server.
host.UseRequestLocalization(o => {
var cultures = ...;
//insert before the final default provider (the AcceptLanguageHeaderRequestCultureProvider)
o.RequestCultureProviders.Insert(o.RequestCultureProviders.Count - 1, new OidcClaimsCultureProvider {Options = o});
Notice, this requires the server sets the culture info in the claims.
See below for example, or see OidcClaimsCultureProviderHelper.AddClaims
for details.
You also need to copy it from the server given claims to the local claims. E.g. if using StoreRemoteAuthInSchemeAsync
yourContext.StoreRemoteAuthInSchemeAsync(..., (identity, remote)=>OidcClaimsCultureProviderHelper.CopyClaims(identity, remote)))) specifies how to request claims from the request.
Notice, you still have to manually check they are present in the response.
//in the login controller
var claims = new RequestClaimsParameterValue()
.IdTokenClaim(Claims.AuthenticationTime, true);
this.InitiateAuthorizationCodeLogin(returnUrl, ..., claims.AsOpenIddictParameter());
//in the callback controller
this.StoreRemoteAuthInSchemeAsync(..., (principal)=>principal.GetClaim(Claims.AuthenticationTime)...)
services.AddHttpClient<ClientDemoApiService>(client => client.BaseAddress = new(serverUrl))
public class ClientDemoApiService(HttpClient http)
public async Task<Dictionary<string, string>> GetAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
await http.GetFromJsonAsync<Dictionary<string,string>>("api/demo", cancellationToken: cancellationToken) ?? throw new();
public class DemoApiController(ClientDemoApiService remote) : Controller
public Task<Dictionary<string, string>> Remote(CancellationToken cancellationToken) => remote.GetAsync(cancellationToken);
WARNING: If an error occurs on the remote in the same request that also handled a successful token refresh the updated cookie might get lost and future requests will get a 401 from remote because old token is invalid.
services.AddHttpClient<AdminDemoApiService>(client => client.BaseAddress = new(serverUrl))
internal class MyRefreshTokenClientAuthenticationHandler(OpenIddictClientService openIddict) : RefreshTokenClientAuthenticationHandler(openIddict, "my-server-2-server-client");
public class AdminDemoApiService(HttpClient http)
public async Task<Dictionary<string, string>> GetAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
await http.GetFromJsonAsync<Dictionary<string,string>>("api/demo", cancellationToken: cancellationToken) ?? throw new();
public class DemoApiController(AdminDemoApiService remote) : Controller
public Task<Dictionary<string, string>> Remote(CancellationToken cancellationToken) => remote.GetAsync(cancellationToken);
Setup API calls to return 401/403 instead of redirecting to login page.
.AddCookie(o =>
Tons of helper classses and extension methods to make implementing a server project trivial.
Various helper classes to make implementing a server trivial.
public sealed class MyAccessGranter : OidcAccessGranterBase {...}
public sealed class MyAccessGranter : AllInfoInUserinfoEndpoint {...}
Use the base classes from the namespace ControllerHelpers
or RazorPageHelpers
depending on your needs.
and then register services.AddScoped<MyAccessGranter>();
and use it:
public sealed class AuthorizationController(MyAccessGranter accessGranter) : ControllerBase {
[HttpGet("~/connect/authorize"), HttpPost("~/connect/authorize"), IgnoreAntiforgeryToken]
public Task<IActionResult> Authorize() => _accessGranter.HandleAuthenticationFlowRequest(this, async (manager,client,request) => {
return View(new MyConsentViewModel(){ApplicationName = await manager.GetDisplayNameAsync(application), Scope = request.GetScopes()});
[Authorize, FormValueRequired("submit.Accept"), HttpPost("~/connect/authorize"), ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public Task<IActionResult> Accept() => _accessGranter.HandleConsentGranted(this);
[Authorize, FormValueRequired("submit.Deny"), HttpPost("~/connect/authorize"), ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public Task<IActionResult> Deny() => _accessGranter.HandleConsentDenied(this);
or if using razor pages:
public sealed class AuthorizeModel(MyAccessGranter accessGranter) : PageModel {
public string ApplicationName { get; private set; } = default!;
public IEnumerable<string> Scope { get; private set; } = default!;
public Task<IActionResult> GetAsync() => Handle();
public Task<IActionResult> PostAsync() => Handle();
private Task<IActionResult> Handle() => _accessGranter.HandleAuthenticationFlowRequest(this, async (manager,client,request) => {
ApplicationName = (await manager.GetDisplayNameAsync(client))!;;
Scope = request.GetScopes();
return Page();
public Task<IActionResult> PostConsentAsync(string action) =>
action == "submit.Accept" ? _accessGranter.HandleConsentGranted(this) : Task.FromResult(_accessGranter.HandleConsentDenied(this));
@page "{handler?}" //<----------------- Notice this
@model AuthorizeModel
Layout = "_Layout";
<div class="jumbotron">
<p class="lead text-left">Do you want to grant <strong>@Model.ApplicationName</strong> access to your data?</p>
<h2>Scopes requested</h2>
@foreach (var scope in Model.Scope)
<form method="post">
@foreach (var parameter in Request.HasFormContentType ? Request.Form.AsEnumerable() : Request.Query)
<input type="hidden" name="@parameter.Key" value="@parameter.Value" />
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-success" asp-page-handler="Accept">Yes</button>
<button class="btn btn-lg btn-danger" asp-page-handler="Deny">No</button>
Use the base classes from the namespace ControllerHelpers
or MinimalApiHelpers
depending on your needs.
internal sealed class MyClientCredentialsTokenExchangeHelper : ClientCredentialsTokenExchangeHelperBase {...}
internal sealed class MyAuthFlowAndRefreshTokenHelper : AuthorizationFlowAndRefreshTokenExchangeHelperBase {...}
And use:
public sealed class TokenController(MyClientCredentialsTokenExchangeHelper enableClientCreds,
MyAuthFlowAndRefreshTokenHelper enableRefreshTokenAndAuthFlow) : ControllerBase {
[HttpPost("~/connect/token"), AllowAnonymous, IgnoreAntiforgeryToken, Produces("application/json")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Exchange() {
var request = this.GetOpenIddictServerRequest();
if (await enableClientCreds.Process(this, request) is {} result) return result;
if (await enableRefreshTokenAndAuthFlow.Process(this, request) is {} result) return result;
return this.ForbidOpenIddict(Errors.UnsupportedGrantType, "The specified grant type is not supported.");
or if using minimal api:
app.MapPost("/connect/token", [AllowAnonymous] async (HttpContext context,
MyClientCredentialsTokenExchangeHelper enableClientCreds,
MyAuthFlowAndRefreshTokenHelper enableRefreshTokenAndAuthFlow) => {
var request = context.GetOpenIddictServerRequest() ?? throw new();
if (await enableClientCreds.Process(request) is {} result) return result;
if (await enableRefreshTokenAndAuthFlow.Process(context, request) is {} result) return result;
return AuthorizationCodeHelpers.ForbidOpenIddict(Errors.UnsupportedGrantType, "The specified grant type is not supported.");
Setup API calls to return 401/403 instead of redirecting to login page.
.AddCookie(o =>
Add OIDC standard claims for culture (locale
) and the non-standard ui-locales
for the ui-culture.
public abstract class ApplyCultureToClaims(...) : OidcAccessGranterBase(...)
protected override Task<ImmutableArray<string>> SetClaimsAndGetScopes(...)
return base.SetClaimsAndGetScopes(...);