I'm Chaima Hermi from tunisia , currently living in Tunis .I'm a 2nd year Student 🧑🎓 studying Software engeeniring at higher institute of art of multimedia manouba .
Talk to me about :
◾ Front-end development using HTML ,CSS and JAVASCRIPT .
◾ Backend development using C , JAVA , PYTHON , Flask, nodejs , Laravel.
◾ Data science with R and PYTHON .
◾ Business intelligence with ApacheAirlfow and Power BI .
◾ Database using ORACLE SQL DEVELOPER .
◾ I love ❤️ Programming
◾🌱 i'm currently learning at ISAMM
◾ 💬 Ask me about anything and everything I try always to help you 😉
◾ 📫 How to reach me: chaima.hermi5@gmail.com .