This repository includes scripts/tools for Checkmk developers.
- TBD: what should go here
- TBD: what shouldn't go here
While you can just clone and use the tools inside of course (they're just plain Python or Bash
scripts), the intended way to use it is via pip
or inside a virtual environment.
Install it locally using pip
[<PYTHON> -m] pip[3] install [--user] [--upgrade] checkmk-dev-tools
For tools interacting with Jenkins an API key, username and URL to Jenkins has to be provided with ~/.config/jenkins_jobs/jenkins_jobs.ini
otherwise those parameters have to be specified explicitly.
This is a template of the jenkins_jobs.ini
# Get the APIKEY from the CI web UI, click top right Profile -> Configure -> Show API Key
# https://JENKINS_URL.tld/user/carl.lama/configure
is a tool for accessing and triggering (currently Jenkins only) CI job builds and
making build artifacts available locally in an efficient way (i.e. avoiding unnessessary builds by
comparing certain constraints like job parameters and time of already available builds).
Formerly it was only used to make artifacts available which is the reason for the name and some CLI desing desicions.
Run ci-artifacts --help
in general to get more details about the usage of the tool.
Wait for an existing and specified build to finish. Nothing is downloaded.
ci-artifacts --log-level debug \
await-result checkmk/master/builders/build-cmk-distro-package:6066
The returned result is a JSON might look like
{"result": "SUCCESS", "artifacts": null}
Wait for an existing and specified build to finish and download the artifacts.
The destination of the artifacts can be specified with the optional argument --out-dir
(defaults to out
) and is relative to the base directory (--base-dir
, defaults to current directory) used to fetch hashes of the downloaded artifacts.
The flag --no-remove-others
can be used to keep additional files in the download directory which were not part of the download. This is like a built-in garbage collection.
ci-artifacts --log-level debug \
download checkmk/master/builders/build-cmk-distro-package:6066 \
--base-dir ~/my-git-projects/checkmk/master \
--out-dir package_download \
The returned result is a JSON might look like
{"result": "SUCCESS", "artifacts": ["check-mk-enterprise-2.4.0-2024.10.31_0.jammy_amd64.deb"]}
If there are no more constraints than a build has been completed successfully, fetch
downloads a given jobs artifact, just like with download
but for the latest build instead of a specified build number.
Pressing CTRL+C
while the script is running will ask for confirmation, default answer is no
and cancel the build.
ci-artifacts --log-level debug \
fetch checkmk/master/winagt-build
In contrast, this is what a more detailed call might look like
ci-artifacts --log-level debug \
fetch checkmk/master/winagt-build \
--params EDITION=raw,DISTRO="ubuntu-22.04",CUSTOM_GIT_REF=85fa488e0a32f6ea55d8875ab9c517bdc253a8e1 \
--params-no-check DISABLE_CACHE=false,CIPARAM_OVERRIDE_BUILD_NODE=fra001 \
--dependency-paths agents/wnx,agents/windows,packages/cmk-agent-ctl \
--time-constraints today \
--base-dir ~/my-git-projects/checkmk/master \
--out-dir package_download
Comma separated list of job-parameters used for identifying existing builds and to start new ones.
--params-no-check <JOB-PARAMETERS>
Comma separated list of job-parameters used only to start a new build. These parameters are ignored during the search of an already existing build.
--time-constraints <SPECIFIER>
Check for build date constraints when looking for existing builds - currently
only today
is taken into account.
--dependency-paths <PATH,..>
Comma separated list of relative paths to files and directories checked for differences when looking for existing builds.
Don't start new builds, even when no matching build could be found.
Don't look for existing builds, always start a new build instead.
Like fetch
but with the optional parameter --passive
which outputs the informations needed to trigger a build instead of triggering the build.
This is helpful in pipeline scripts to keep track of issuers of a build.
ci-artifacts --log-level debug \
request checkmk/master/winagt-build \
--params EDITION=raw,DISTRO="ubuntu-22.04",CUSTOM_GIT_REF=85fa488e0a32f6ea55d8875ab9c517bdc253a8e1 \
--params-no-check DISABLE_CACHE=false,CIPARAM_OVERRIDE_BUILD_NODE=fra001 \
--time-constraints today \
--base-dir ~/my-git-projects/checkmk/master \
"path": "checkmk/master/winagt-build",
"EDITION": "raw",
"DISTRO": "ubuntu-22.04",
"CUSTOM_GIT_REF": "85fa488e0a32f6ea55d8875ab9c517bdc253a8e1",
"DISABLE_CACHE": "false",
Without the --passive
flag the build is triggered if no matching one is found. If a matching build with the specified parameters was found the returned JSON might look like
"path": "checkmk/master/winagt-build",
"number": 6066,
"url": "https://JENKINS_URL.tld/job/checkmk/job/master/job/winagt-build/6066/",
"result": "SUCCESS",
"new_build": false
The validate
subcommand is a combination of several other commands. It requests, identifies a matching of triggers a new build while waiting for the build to complete. Nothing is downloaded. It has the same parameters as fetch
This subcommand can be used to trigger a remote build with custom parameters or check if an existing build with these parameters passed or not.
ci-artifacts --log-level debug \
validate checkmk/master/winagt-build \
--params EDITION=raw,DISTRO="ubuntu-22.04",CUSTOM_GIT_REF=85fa488e0a32f6ea55d8875ab9c517bdc253a8e1 \
--params-no-check DISABLE_CACHE=false,CIPARAM_OVERRIDE_BUILD_NODE=fra001 \
--time-constraints today
{"result": "SUCCESS", "artifacts": []}
- request CI build from local changes
This is a tool to parse resource usage data for single containers
based on data collected by docker-shaper.
The ndjson formatted data files can usually be found on the build nodes at ~jenkins/.docker_shaper/container-logs
job-resource-usage --before=7d --after=14d folder/with/datafiles/
is a tool for listing, locking and unlocking lockable resources of Jenkins.
Run lockable-resources --help
in general to get more details about the usage of the tool.
The list
argument provides a JSON output of all labels and their resources.
lockable-resources -vvv list
{"my_label": ["resouce1", "resouce2"], "other_label": ["this", "that"]}
The reserve
and the unreserve
argument require a single or a list of labels to lock or unlock.
lockable-resources -vvv \
[--fail-already-locked] \
[reserve, unreserve] first_resource second_resource third_resource
With the --fail-already-locked
flag an exception can be thrown if the resource is already locked. If this flag is not set only a warning is logged.
To lock all resources with the label my_lock
use the following simple call
lockable-resources list | \
jq -c .my_lock[] | \
xargs -I {} lockable-resources -vvv reserve {}
For active development you need to have poetry
and pre-commit
python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user poetry pre-commit
git clone ssh://
cd checkmk_dev_tools
pre-commit install
# if you need a specific version of Python inside your dev environment
poetry env use ~/.pyenv/versions/3.10.4/bin/python3
poetry install
Create a new changelog snippet. If no new snippets is found on a merged change no new release will be built and published.
If the change is based on a Jira ticket, use the Jira ticket name as snippet name otherwise use a unique name.
poetry run \
changelog-generator \
create .snippets/
After committing the snippet a changelog can be generated locally. For CI usage
the --in-place
flag is recommended to use as it will update the existing
changelog with the collected snippets. For local usage remember to reset the
changelog file before a second run, as the version would be updated recursively
due to the way the changelog generator is working. It extracts the latest
version from the changelog file and puts the found snippets on top.
Future changes to the changelog are ignored by
git update-index --assume-unchanged
poetry run \
changelog-generator \
changelog \
--snippets=.snippets \
--in-place \
Update the version of the project in all required files by calling
poetry run \
changelog2version \
--changelog_file \
--version_file cmk_dev/ \
--version_file_type py \
--additional_version_info="-rc42+$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
--print \
| jq -r .info.version
modify and check commits via
pre-commit run --all-files
after work is done locally:
- update dependencies before/with a new release
poetry lock
- build and check package locally
poetry build && \
poetry run twine check dist/* &&
python3 -m pip uninstall -y checkmk_dev_tools && \
python3 -m pip install --user dist/checkmk_dev_tools-$(grep -E "^version.?=" pyproject.toml | cut -d '"' -f 2)-py3-none-any.whl
- commit, push and review the changes
git add ...
git commit -m "cmk-dev-tools: bump version, update dependencies"
- test deployed packages from
. The extra index URL is required to get those dependencies
which are not available
pip install --no-cache-dir \
-i \
--extra-index-url \
- finally merge the changes and let Jenkins create the release tag and deployment