is a ToolipsServables-based syntax highlighting system for Olive. The main objective of this highlighting system is to provide a clean and easy to modify stylized output for syntax in Olive
, though it could (and has) easily be applied to other projects as well.
using OliveHighlighters: TextStyleModifier, julia_block!
tm = TextStyleModifier(
"""function sample_func(x::Any)
println("you provided the value \$x")
if typeof(x) <: Real
println("\$(x + 5) is the number incremented by 5")
if typeof(x) == Int64 && x > 0
for x in 1:x
println("hello \$x")
# styling and marking for julia:
# use `string` to turn this into HTML:
display("text/html", string(tm))
Using this package is really easy. In order to lex code, we use several different marking algorithms which store marks in a TextStyleModifier
. The TextStyleModifier
has special indexing that allows it to work better for this case. We set styles with the Toolips.style!
, using symbols to mark things as we see fit. The package also provides three prebuilt highlighters for markdown, toml, and Julia.