Setup your free Apache Kafka instance here:
export CLOUDKARAFKA_BROKERS="host1:9094,host2:9094,host3:9094"
Hostnames can be found in the Details view in for your CloudKarafka instance.export CLOUDKARAFKA_USERNAME="username"
Username can be found in the Details view in for your CloudKarafka instance.export CLOUDKARAFKA_PASSWORD="password"
Password can be found in the Details view in for your CloudKarafka instance.export CLOUDKARAFKA_TOPIC="username-topic"
Topic should be the same as your username followed by a dash before the topic.
These export commands must be run in both of the terminal windows below.
git clone
cd python-kafka-example`
pip install confluent_kafka
Open another terminal window and cd
into same directory and run python
Send your messages by pressing your system's EOF key sequence. (ctrl-d in bash)
In some cases the CloudKarafka Root CA may need to be manually added to the example, particularly if you are seeing the error:
Failed to verify broker certificate: unable to get local issuer certificate
returned when you run the example. If this is the case you will need to download the CloudKarakfa Root CA from our FAQ page and place it in the python-kafka-example directory, then add the following line into the conf {...}
'': ''
This should resolve the error and allow for successful connection to the server.