CodeLink is designed to help those interested in Software find projects that match their interests and connect with experienced professionals to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Packege | Description |
Retrofit |
Efficient network requests and retrieval for seamless data integration. |
Hilt |
Dependency injection for clean and modular code. |
SharedPreferences |
Manage user preferences and settings efficiently. |
MVVM architecture |
Well-structured and maintainable codebase. |
Glide |
Effortlessly load and display book cover images with optimized caching and memory management. |
Lottie |
For animations. |
Mockito |
For testing. |
Auth :

Home :

Profile, settings, edit ptofile and personal details

Chat Screens :

Chat :

Search and Teams :

My Teams :

Notifications :

Public profile & users search :

Mentors :

Search Screens :
- Clone the repository: git clone
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Build and run the app on your Android device or emulator.