I'm an experienced software developer deeply passionate about creating efficient and elegant solutions. My journey involves honing skills through diverse projects, all crafted within the confines of my remote workspace. I'm a backend software engineer from Serbia with relevant experience in building various backend systems including payments, advertising, and other web applications. Worked mainly in Go, Rust, and PHP with a proven track record in all of them. As an enthusiastic contributor and maintainer in the open-source community, I firmly believe in the power of collaboration and giving back.
Proud member of GitHub organisation BrosSquad
- 🏢 I'm currently working as a Software Engineer at NanoInteractive
- ⛑️ Maintaining PHP Binding for LibCassandra/LibScylla PHP Cassandra Driver
- ⛑️ Maintaining PHP Binding for Rust phper
- ⛑️ Maintaining PHP Binding for LibUV PHP LibUV
- ⛑️ Maintaining a set of Go libraries for NanoInteractive
- 🧑💻 FON Hackathon 2021 Winner relieveme
- 🏗️ GoFiber Boilerplate creator Boilerplate
- 🏗️ Crypto library creator for Laravel LaraCrypto