Evals custom PHP code to every matching post from a WP_Query
Function BODY to exectute. Variable $post will be available. By default it will simply trigger update of the post.
Allows passing of arguments to WP_Query, prepend every argument with --query_
Example: --query_posts_per_page=9 --query_paged=3
wp iterate-posts
wp iterate-posts --query_posts_per_page=10 --query_paged=1
wp iterate-posts --query_posts_per_page=-1 --query_post_status="Array('draft','publish')"
wp iterate-posts $' print_r( $post ); '
(I know this is ugly, I need to make this into a proper WP_CLI command, but alas, time escapes us all.)
Go to your WordPress's installation directory
Go to
, ifmu-plugins
doesn't exist, create it -
Clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:Copperdust/posts-iterator-helper.git
Actually add our files to WP's execution:
cat > posts-iterator-helper.php <?php include_once( WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR.'/posts-iterator-helper/posts-iterator-helper.php' );