Our official site is Crocoblock.
If you've got Crocoblock subscription, this is the right place where you can submit your suggestions concerning any Crocoblock products.
All the suggestions should be added in the form of issues.
Please, note, that it is strongly recommended to use English language only when placing a suggestion! It is a rule that ensures that everyone can understand the requests already added, and will eventually help avoid duplicated requests.
Important: All the suggestions added in any other language won't be handled and will be eventually closed.
- To add a new suggestion, please, use this link.
- Click New issue button on the right and proceed to creating a new issue:
- fill in the gist of the request;
- describe the feature request in more details.
- Click submit button to submit a request.
Before adding a new suggestion, make sure you've visited:
- Crocoblock Knowledge Base;
- JetElements;
- JetMenu;
- JetBlog;
- JetTabs;
- JetReviews;
- JetBlocks;
- JetPopup;
- JetWooBuilder;
- JetSmartFilters;
- JetCompareWishlist;
- JetProductGallery;
- JetSearch;
- JetBooking;
- JetEngine;
- JetTricks.
If you haven't found the needed feature, please, check if there are already any requests for it in the Issues block. If not, feel free to submit it.
In case you need any assistance from Crocoblock team, we provide professional support. Feel free to use ticket system to get assistance.
To learn more about the updates and releases coming out weekly at Crocoblock, check our changelog.
For more cases, guides and tutorials related to Crocoblock, check: