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Save wave group to netcdf file and read netcdf file
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Need to double check tslen in writebndnc
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CyprienBosserelle committed Jan 27, 2017
1 parent 3a5cfd7 commit 1882711
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Showing 7 changed files with 446 additions and 58 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1753,7 +1753,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (XParam.wavebndtype == 3)
//Reuse XBeach_GPU boundary. Similar to XBeach but in netcdf format and all self explanatory
//Not implemented yet
XParam = read_reuse_bndnc_head(XParam);
wavebnd = read_reuse_bndnc_vec(XParam);
if (XParam.wavebndtype == 4)
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140 changes: 137 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ XBGPUParam waveinitGPU(XBGPUParam Param, std::vector<Wavebndparam> wavebnd)
if (Param.wavebndtype >= 2)
nwavbnd = ceil(Param.rtlength / Param.dtbc);
nwavbnd = ceil(Param.rtlength / Param.dtbc)+1; // +1 needed here

theta = (DECNUM *)malloc(ntheta*sizeof(DECNUM));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ XBGPUParam waveinitGPU(XBGPUParam Param, std::vector<Wavebndparam> wavebnd)
if (Param.wavebndtype == 3)
// Reuse XBeach_GPU style wave boundary. same as normal XBeach but as a self documented netcdf file
//Not implemented yet
read_reuse_bndnc(Param, 0, Trep, qfile, Stfile);
if (Param.wavebndtype == 4)
Expand All @@ -144,7 +144,61 @@ XBGPUParam waveinitGPU(XBGPUParam Param, std::vector<Wavebndparam> wavebnd)
//void GenWGnLBW(XBGPUParam Param, int nf, int ndir, double * HRfreq, double * HRdir, double * HRSpec, float Trep, double * qfile, double * Stfile)
GenWGnLBW(Param, nfHR, ndHR, HRfreq, HRdir, HRSpec, Trep, qfile, Stfile);
//create2dnc(nfHR, ndHR, HRfreq[1] - HRfreq[0], HRdir[1] - HRdir[0], 0.0, HRfreq, HRdir, HRSpec);

//Save to Netcdf file
double * yyfx, *ttfx, *thetafx;
double * qxtemp, *qytemp, *eetemp;
int tslenbc = nwavbnd;

qxtemp = (double *)malloc(ny*tslenbc*sizeof(double));
qytemp = (double *)malloc(ny*tslenbc*sizeof(double));
eetemp = (double *)malloc(ny*Param.ntheta*tslenbc*sizeof(double));

yyfx = (double *)malloc(ny*sizeof(double));
ttfx = (double *)malloc(tslenbc*sizeof(double));
thetafx = (double *)malloc(Param.ntheta*sizeof(double));

for (int j = 0; j < Param.ny; j++)
yyfx[j] = j*Param.dx;

for (int m = 0; m < tslenbc; m++)
ttfx[m] = m*Param.dtbc;

for (int itheta = 0; itheta < Param.ntheta; itheta++)
thetafx[itheta] = itheta*(Param.dtheta) + Param.thetamin + 0.5f*Param.dtheta;

//for Debugging
//create2dnc(ny, tslen, Param.dx, dtin, 0.0, yyfx, tin, qx);
//create3dnc(ny, Param.ntheta, tslen, Param.dx, Param.dtheta, dtin, 0.0, yyfx, thetafx, tin, zeta);

for (int j = 0; j < Param.ny; j++)
for (int m = 0; m < tslenbc; m++)
qxtemp[m + j*tslenbc] = qfile[j + 0 * ny + m*ny * 4];
qytemp[m + j*tslenbc] = qfile[j + 1 * ny + m*ny * 4];

for (int itheta = 0; itheta < Param.ntheta; itheta++)
eetemp[m + j*tslenbc + itheta*ny*tslenbc] = Stfile[j + itheta*ny + m*ny*Param.ntheta];

createbndnc(tslenbc, ny, Param.ntheta, Param.dx, Param.dtheta, 0.0, ttfx, yyfx, thetafx, eetemp, qxtemp, qytemp);
//Trep = 15.0;//

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,10 +436,90 @@ void wavebnd(XBGPUParam Param, std::vector<Wavebndparam> wavebndvec)

if (Param.wavebndtype == 2)
//Read new STfile and qfile
//Read new STfile and qfile XBeach style
readXbbndstep(Param, wavebndvec, WAVstepinbnd - 1, Trep, qfile, Stfile);


if (Param.wavebndtype == 3)
// Reuse XBeach_GPU style wave boundary. same as normal XBeach but as a self documented netcdf file
read_reuse_bndnc(Param, WAVstepinbnd - 1, Trep, qfile, Stfile);

if (Param.wavebndtype == 4)
//First generate a Highres 2D spec
double * HRfreq;
double * HRdir;
double * HRSpec;

int nfHR, ndHR;

makjonswap(Param, wavebndvec, WAVstepinbnd - 1, nfHR, ndHR, HRfreq, HRdir, HRSpec);

//Then generate wave group timeseries based on that spectra
//void GenWGnLBW(XBGPUParam Param, int nf, int ndir, double * HRfreq, double * HRdir, double * HRSpec, float Trep, double * qfile, double * Stfile)
GenWGnLBW(Param, nfHR, ndHR, HRfreq, HRdir, HRSpec, Trep, qfile, Stfile);
//Save to Netcdf file

// Stfile is not ordered teh way we want to save it to file so we need a temporary storage to rearange
double * yyfx, *ttfx, *thetafx;
double * qxtemp, *qytemp, *eetemp;
int tslenbc = (int)ceil(Param.rtlength / Param.dtbc)+1;

qxtemp = (double *)malloc(ny*tslenbc*sizeof(double));
qytemp = (double *)malloc(ny*tslenbc*sizeof(double));
eetemp = (double *)malloc(ny*Param.ntheta*tslenbc*sizeof(double));

yyfx = (double *)malloc(ny*sizeof(double));
ttfx = (double *)malloc(tslenbc*sizeof(double));
thetafx = (double *)malloc(Param.ntheta*sizeof(double));

for (int j = 0; j < Param.ny; j++)
yyfx[j] = j*Param.dx;

for (int m = 0; m < tslenbc; m++)
ttfx[m] = m*Param.dtbc;

for (int itheta = 0; itheta < Param.ntheta; itheta++)
thetafx[itheta] = itheta*(Param.dtheta) + Param.thetamin + 0.5f*Param.dtheta;

//for Debugging
//create2dnc(ny, tslen, Param.dx, dtin, 0.0, yyfx, tin, qx);
//create3dnc(ny, Param.ntheta, tslen, Param.dx, Param.dtheta, dtin, 0.0, yyfx, thetafx, tin, zeta);

for (int j = 0; j < Param.ny; j++)
for (int m = 0; m < tslenbc; m++)
qxtemp[m + j*tslenbc] = qfile[j + 0 * ny + m*ny * 4];
qytemp[m + j*tslenbc] = qfile[j + 1 * ny + m*ny * 4];

for (int itheta = 0; itheta < Param.ntheta; itheta++)
eetemp[m + j*tslenbc + itheta*ny*tslenbc] = Stfile[j + itheta*ny + m*ny*Param.ntheta];

writebndnc(tslenbc, ny, Param.ntheta, Param.dx, Param.dtheta, wavebndvec[WAVstepinbnd-1].time, ttfx, yyfx, thetafx, eetemp, qxtemp, qytemp);
//Trep = 15.0;//


if (Param.wavebndtype == 1)
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions XBeachGPU.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -217,6 +217,8 @@ extern "C" void read3Dnc(int nx, int ny,int ntheta,char ncfile[],DECNUM * &ee);
extern "C" void read2Dnc(int nx, int ny,char ncfile[],DECNUM * &hh);

void createbndnc(int tslen, int ny, int ntheta, double dy, double dtheta, double totaltime, double * timevec, double *yy, double *theta, double * ee, double * qx, double * qy);
void writebndnc(int tslen, int ny, int ntheta, double dy, double dtheta, double totaltime, double * timevec, double *yy, double *theta, double * ee, double * qx, double * qy);
void read_reuse_bndnc(XBGPUParam Param, int rec, float &Trep, double * &qfile, double * &Stfile);

void GenCstWave(XBGPUParam Param, std::vector<Wavebndparam> wavebnd, float * theta, double * &Stfile, double * &qfile, double * &Tpfile);

Expand All @@ -229,6 +231,9 @@ extern "C" void readbndhead(const char * wavebndfile,DECNUM &thetamin,DECNUM &th

std::vector<Wavebndparam> ReadJSWPBnd(XBGPUParam XParam);

XBGPUParam read_reuse_bndnc_head(XBGPUParam Param);
std::vector<Wavebndparam> read_reuse_bndnc_vec(XBGPUParam Param);

//Below is for the new CPU routine
extern "C" int mminusC(int ix,int nx);
extern "C" int pplusC(int ix, int nx);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,6 +290,7 @@ std::vector<WindBnd> readWNDfile(std::string WNDfilename, double grdalpha);
std::vector<Wavebndparam> ReadCstBnd(XBGPUParam XParam);
double interptime(double next, double prev, double timenext, double time);
double interp1D(int nx, double *x, double *y, double xx);
double interp1DMono(int nx, double *x, double *y, double xx);
double Interp2(int nx, int ny, double *x, double *y, double *z, double xx, double yy);

extern "C" void readbathyHead(std::string filename, int &nx, int &ny, double &dx, double &grdalpha);
Expand Down
68 changes: 14 additions & 54 deletions makjonswap.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ void makjonswap(XBGPUParam Param, std::vector<Wavebndparam> wavebnd, int step, i
double scoeff = wavebnd[step].s;

printf("Generating JONSWAP spectrum: Hs=%f, Tp=%f, Dp=%f, gam=%f, s=%f\n",Hs,Tp,Dp,gam,scoeff);
write_text_to_log_file("Generating JONSWAP spectrum: Hs=" + std::to_string(Hs) + " Tp=" + std::to_string(Tp) + " Dp=" + std::to_string(Dp) + " gam=" + std::to_string(gam) + " s=" + std::to_string(scoeff) + ";");

double fnyq = 3.0f*fp;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,6 +223,11 @@ void makjonswap(XBGPUParam Param, std::vector<Wavebndparam> wavebnd, int step, i

void GenWGnLBW(XBGPUParam Param, int nf, int ndir,double * HRfreq,double * HRdir, double * HRSpec, float &Trep, double * &qfile, double * &Stfile)
// Generating Boundary condition: Energy from wave group and Long bound waves

printf("Generating Boundary condition: Energy from wave group and Long bound waves.\n");
write_text_to_log_file("Generating Boundary condition: Energy from wave group and Long bound waves");

int ny = Param.ny;
int K; //Number of wave components

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,6 +420,8 @@ void GenWGnLBW(XBGPUParam Param, int nf, int ndir,double * HRfreq,double * HRdir
//interp1D(double *x, double *y, double xx)
//thetagen[i] = interptime(HRdir[dprev + 1], HRdir[dprev], dtheta, dtheta*((number - cdf[dprev]) / (cdf[dprev + 1] - cdf[dprev])));

//Cannot use interp1DMono here because cdf is not monotonic
thetagen[i] = interp1D(ndir, cdf, HRdir, number);

//printf("thetagen[i]=%f\n", thetagen[i]);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,7 +478,7 @@ void GenWGnLBW(XBGPUParam Param, int nf, int ndir,double * HRfreq,double * HRdir

//First assume that internal and bc - writing time step is the same
double dtin = Param.dtbc;
int tslenbc = ceil(Param.rtlength / Param.dtbc);// (int)(Param.rtlength / Param.dtbc) + 1;
int tslenbc = ceil(Param.rtlength / Param.dtbc) + 1;// (int)(Param.rtlength / Param.dtbc) + 1;

//Check whether the internal frequency is high enough to describe the highest frequency
//wave train returned from frange(which can be used in the boundary conditions)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,7 +573,7 @@ void GenWGnLBW(XBGPUParam Param, int nf, int ndir,double * HRfreq,double * HRdir
double dummy;
for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
dummy = interp1D(nf, HRfreq, Sf, fgen[i]);
dummy = interp1DMono(nf, HRfreq, Sf, fgen[i]);
vargenq[i] = min(vargen[i] ,dummy);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -944,7 +952,7 @@ void GenWGnLBW(XBGPUParam Param, int nf, int ndir,double * HRfreq,double * HRdir
//interpolate to boundary timeseries
for (int m = 0; m < tslenbc; m++)
Stfile[j + itheta*ny + m*ny*Param.ntheta] = interp1D(tslen, tin, E_tdir, m*Param.dtbc);
Stfile[j + itheta*ny + m*ny*Param.ntheta] = interp1DMono(tslen, tin, E_tdir, m*Param.dtbc);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1323,63 +1331,15 @@ void GenWGnLBW(XBGPUParam Param, int nf, int ndir,double * HRfreq,double * HRdir

for (int m = 0; m < tslenbc; m++)
qfile[j + 0 * ny + m*ny * 4] = interp1D(tslen, tin, qtempx, m*Param.dtbc);
qfile[j + 1 * ny + m*ny * 4] = interp1D(tslen, tin, qtempy, m*Param.dtbc);
qfile[j + 0 * ny + m*ny * 4] = interp1DMono(tslen, tin, qtempx, m*Param.dtbc);
qfile[j + 1 * ny + m*ny * 4] = interp1DMono(tslen, tin, qtempy, m*Param.dtbc);
qfile[j + 2 * ny + m*ny * 4] = 0.0;
qfile[j + 3 * ny + m*ny * 4] = 0.0;// qtot[j + m*ny];


//Save to Netcdf file
double * yyfx, *ttfx, *thetafx;
double * qxtemp, *qytemp, *eetemp;

qxtemp = (double *)malloc(ny*tslenbc*sizeof(double));
qytemp = (double *)malloc(ny*tslenbc*sizeof(double));
eetemp = (double *)malloc(ny*Param.ntheta*tslenbc*sizeof(double));

yyfx = (double *)malloc(ny*sizeof(double));
ttfx = (double *)malloc(tslenbc*sizeof(double));
thetafx = (double *)malloc(Param.ntheta*sizeof(double));

for (int j = 0; j < Param.ny; j++)
yyfx[j] = j*Param.dx;

for (int m = 0; m < tslenbc; m++)
ttfx[m] = m*Param.dtbc;

for (int itheta = 0; itheta < Param.ntheta; itheta++)
thetafx[itheta] = itheta*(Param.dtheta) + Param.thetamin + 0.5f*Param.dtheta;

//for Debugging
create2dnc(ny, tslen, Param.dx, dtin, 0.0, yyfx, tin, qx);
create3dnc(ny, Param.ntheta, tslen, Param.dx, Param.dtheta, dtin, 0.0, yyfx, thetafx, tin, zeta);

for (int j = 0; j < Param.ny; j++)
for (int m = 0; m < tslenbc; m++)
qxtemp[m + j*tslenbc] = qfile[j + 0 * ny + m*ny * 4];
qytemp[m + j*tslenbc] = qfile[j + 1 * ny + m*ny * 4];

for (int itheta = 0; itheta < Param.ntheta; itheta++)
eetemp[m + j*tslenbc + itheta*ny*tslenbc] = Stfile[j + itheta*ny + m*ny*Param.ntheta];

createbndnc(tslenbc, ny, Param.ntheta, Param.dx, Param.dtheta, 0.0, ttfx, yyfx,thetafx, eetemp, qxtemp, qytemp);

//Clean up and desallocate all that memory
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions read_input.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
using DECNUM = float;

XBGPUParam readXbbndhead(XBGPUParam Param)
std::ifstream fs(Param.wavebndfile);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ std::vector<Wavebndparam> readXbbndfile(XBGPUParam Param)
return wavebndvec;

extern "C" void readbndhead(const char * wavebnd, DECNUM &thetamin, DECNUM &thetamax, DECNUM &dtheta, DECNUM &dtwavbnd, int &nwavbnd)
FILE * fwav;
Expand Down
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions tools.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ double interptime(double next, double prev, double timenext, double time)

double interp1D(int nx, double *x, double *y, double xx)
// non monotonic 1D interpolation
// This can be pretty slow so use interp1DMono for faster interpolation if x is monotonic (i.e. the spacing is constant)
double yy;
double prevx = x[0];
double nextx = x[1];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,6 +60,36 @@ double interp1D(int nx, double *x, double *y, double xx)
yy = prevy + (xx - prevx) / (nextx - prevx)*(nexty - prevy);
return yy;

double interp1DMono(int nx, double *x, double *y, double xx)
// interpolation if x is monotonically increasing (i.e. the spacing is constant)
double yy;
double prevx = x[0];
double nextx = x[1];
double prevy = y[0];
double nexty = y[1];
double dx = nextx - prevx;
int indx = 0;
int indxp;

double diffx = max(xx-x[0],0.0);//This has to be positive!

indx = (int)floor(diffx / dx);

indxp = (int)min(indx*1.0 + 1, nx*1.0 - 1);
prevx = x[indx];
nextx = x[indxp];
prevy = y[indx];
nexty = y[indxp];

yy = prevy + (xx - prevx) / (nextx - prevx)*(nexty - prevy);
return yy;

double Interp2(int nx, int ny, double *x, double *y, double *z, double xx, double yy)
//double BilinearInterpolation(double q11, double q12, double q21, double q22, double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double x, double y)
Expand Down

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