NOTE: See Meeting Minutes for running document of weekly meeting minutes. All things discussed are linked back to individual Github Issues.
At its core, the Scarecrow Bot is an automated, humane vertebrate pest management for horticultural farms 🐰🍓 Its functionalities can be modified according to specific event and competition needs, e.g., the choice of stimuli to displace pests, level of gamification, inclusion of computer vision.
- Files (e.g., writing, code, sketches, articles) are stored in a folder in this repository.
- Tasks are assigned and tracked in the Projects tab.
- Note: Each line item in the project is technically an Issue, so a full list can also be found in the Issues tab.
- If you click on an Issue, you can comment on and create checklists and subtasks for that specific Issue. Therefore, an Issue can be high level, as you can get more specific under it.
- Formal discussions are posted in the Discussions tab.
- Ad hoc communications are through Discord.
- Synchronous working through:
- Google Docs:
- Miro (password: scarecrow).
- Boiler Gold Rush Entertainment Challenge 2024
- ASABE Hackathon 2024
- Farm Robotics Challenge 2024
- Prophetstown Trail of Scarecrows