A Vagrant box for Arduino development with Rust.
Simply bring up and ssh in:
vagrant up vagrant ssh
Check you are able to access the device. Use the following to check your board is connected and accessible. If you have connected your device after starting the vagrant machine, try restarting. Otherwise, head into VirtualBox and add a device filter for the currently connected Arduino then halt and up again.
usb-devices ls /dev/tty/ACM* arduino-cli board list
Test by running the example. You may need to press the reset button on your board before uploading.
cd apps/blinky cargo build --release arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/release/blinky target/blinky.bin arduino-cli upload -i target/blinky.bin -b arduino:samd:nano_33_iot -p /dev/ttyACM0
If you are using a board other than the Nano 33 IOT then find your board here or elsewhere and duplicate the example project and replace the dependency and code to use the correct Board Support Crate.