GPX track converter: post-process routes and tracks typically produced by GPS loggers.
- Reads from file(s) given as argument (or STDIN) and writes to STDOUT or a file.
- Can append segments from multiple tracks and files (sequential composition), using the metadata of the first track.
- Can complete gaps in input file(s) by merging data from an alternative GPX file (parallel composition).
- Concatenates all given tracks (or routes) preserving segments, collecting waypoints.
- The metadata (header) of the first input track is used for the output track.
- Reports missing data and by default ignores points containing implausible data.
- Optionally filters out points before or after given time limits.
- Optionally filters out points with an element value below or above given limits.
- Optionally prunes comments, extensions, or extension elements with value below or above given limits.
- By default carries over missing altitude and time data between segments.
- By default fills in missing altitude and time data by interpolation within segments.
- Optionally inserts interpolated points in long gaps (default 1800 seconds sufficient for exiftool).
- Optionally corrects elevation and and smoothens tracks. (Orthometric height = GPS ellipsoidal height - geoid height, see
- Produces statistics including ascent/descent rates, optionally also for climbing phases.
- Optionally produces additional statistics on a per-segment or per-day basis.
- Optionally calculates approx. total energy spent by biking along the resulting track.
- Prints information (if enabled), any warnings (if enabled), and errors to STDERR.
gpxconv <option(s) and infile(s)> [> <outfile>]
Command-line options:
-h | -help | --help - print these hints and exit
-version - print tool name and version and exit
-swim, -walk, -cycle, -drive, -fly - type of recorded activity, default: drive
-smooth - smoothen tracks
-phases - analyze and provide statistics for ascent/descent phases
-segs <n>..[<m>][(+|-)<d>] - add statistics per segment n..m, adapt their numbers +/-d
-days <n>..[<m>][(+|-)<d>] - add statistics per day n..m, may adapt their numbers +/-d
-merge <file> - complete gaps in infile(s) by data from given GPX file
-weight <value> - calculate biking energy for given weight in kg
-begin <time> - ignore points before given time
-end <time> - ignore points after given time
-min <name> <limit> - ignore points with element value below limit
-max <name> <limit> - ignore points with element value above limit
-min_ext <name> <limit> - prune extension elements with value below limit
-max_ext <name> <limit> - prune extension elements with value above limit
-prune_wpts - remove waypoints
-prune_cmts - remove comments
-prune_exts - remove track, waypoint, and trackpoint extensions
-nw - do not print warnings
-ni - do not print information
-o <outfile> - output the resulting track to <outfile>
-debug - enable internal consistency checks and debug output
Other options can be set by changing values of the configuration variables.