Hi! 👋🏻 My name is Daniel Lozano, I am a Colombian entrepreneur, full-stack, cross-platform developer, Computer Science Instructor and Simulation Enthusiast. I specialize in Azure and .NET.
I have been constantly involved in various academic and commercial projects, using technologies such as Java, JavaScript (client and server-side), .NET, C / C ++. Deeply involved in AI, cybersecurity, game development, and data science.
🔭 On my spare time, I’m currently working on the following projects:
🌱 I’m currently learning Quantum Computing.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on cool initiatives.
🤔 I’m looking for help with several Open Source projects.
💬 Ask me about .NET, C, C#, C++, CNTK, JS, LAMP, LEMP, Linux, Microsoft Azure, MS SQL, Windows, MEAN, MERN, ML.NET, PowerShell, Unity, Unreal Engine.
😄 Fun fact:
Check Out my CodersRank Profile. I think it does a pretty good job showcasing what I do on my day to day basis. 😃👨🏻
If you want to check out what I'm currently learning, please visit my Pluralsight Profile. 👨🏻💻