Powershell module to analyze a built assembly and output an XML file with all details which can be used by the Api Browser project
Analyze-Assembly [Path to Assembly] [Path to Source Code] [Output Path]
This task will decompile the assembly (using the ICSharp Decompiler) and enumerate through all classes and members of those classes and extract the original source code from the source code location (i.e. with any inline comments that were written and in the original formatting). It will also attempt to read any XML comments above the method from the source code and parse that. Finally it will detect the deprecation flag and message. All this information is written out to an XML file. This XML file is used by the ApiBrowser project to load and compare with previous versions to see how the code has changed over time for a particular project.
This project is targeting Dotnet Standard 2.0! For it to work you'll need to have the .net framework 4.7.1 installed and Powershell 5.1.
Compile to a location you wish and announce the module in your Powershell script using "Add-Module [Path to module DLL]".