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Update Docker image

Makedu edited this page Nov 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

To update your current Docker image with a new one while preserving your existing server keys follow these steps:

Stop your running container

docker stop dnscrypt-server

Rename your existing container

docker rename dnscrypt-server dnscrypt-server-old

Pull the new and updated Docker image

docker pull jedisct1/unbound-dnscrypt-server

Create a new container with the pulled Docker image and reuse your existing server keys

docker run -d --volumes-from dnscrypt-server-old --name=dnscrypt-server -p 443:443/udp -p 443:443/tcp \
    --net=host jedisct1/unbound-dnscrypt-server

Start your new container

docker start dnscrypt-server

If the new container starts without errors you can delete your old one

docker rm dnscrypt-server-old
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