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ODA-OS subsystem

This repository contains the installation and configuration scripts of the DREAM Tasks 5 ODA-OS sub-system core.

The repository contains following directories:

  • scripts/ - installation scripts
  • contrib/ - location of the installed SW packages
  • ingeng/ - ingestion engine actions scripts

NOTE: The repository does not cover the autonomous Cloud-free Coverage Assembly.

ODA-OS Core Installation

In this section the ODA-OS Core installation is described.


The installation should be performed on a clean (virtual or physical) CentOS 6 machine. Although not tested, it is assumed that the installation will also work on the RHEL 6 and its other clones (e.g., SL 6).

The installation requires access to the Internet.

The installation scripts try search for the SW installation packages in the contrib/ directory and if not found they try to download the SW packages form the predefined location. As not all SW packages are available on-line or or their download requires user's authentication, some of the SW packages might need to be downloaded manually and put in the contrib/ directory beforehand.

Following table shows components which might be needed to be downloaded manually.

SW Component On-line Source Comment
ngEO-DM n/a Required.
DQ subsystem n/a Optional.
eXcat catalogue n/a Optional.
S2-preprocessor n/a Optional.

Step 1 - Get the Installation Scripts

The installer (i.e., content of this repository) can be obtained either as on of the tagged releases or by clonning of the repository:

$ git clone

Step 2 - Prepare the installed SW packages

Put the SW packages which i) cannot be downloaded automatically or ii) need to be installed from a newer version not yet available on-line to the ODA-OS_subsystem/contrib/ directory of the (unpacked or cloned) installer.

Step 3 - Run the Installation

Execute the installation script with the root's permission:

$ sudo ODA-OS_subsystem/scripts/

The output os the command is automatically saved to a log file which can be inspected in case of failure.

$ more install.log

The command executes the individual installation scrips located in the scripts/install.d/ directory:

$ ls ODA-OS_subsystem/scripts/install.d/

By default, all these installation scrips are executed in order given by the numerical prefix. However, the command allows execution of the expelicitely selected scripts as, e.g., in following command (re-)installing and (re-)configuring the IngestionEngine:

$ sudo ODA-OS_subsystem/scripts/ ODA-OS_subsystem/scripts/install.d/{,}

This allows installation and/or update of selected SW packages only.

The optional components are excluded from the automatic installation. The optional installers are located in the scripts/optional.d/ directory:

$ ls ODA-OS_subsystem/scripts/optional.d/

These scritps have to be executed manually, e.g:

$ sudo ODA-OS_subsystem/scripts/ ODA-OS_subsystem/scripts/install.d/{,}

Step 4 - Hostname Configuration

Some of the services provided by the ODA-OS subsystem require configuration of the correct host-name under which the service will be available. The host-name need not to be always the same as the one announced by the operating system during the installation. In case, the service host-name (i.e., fully qualified domain-name or IP adress assigned to the computer) has to be corrected the following command shall be executed:

$ sudo ODA-OS_subsystem/scripts/ <host-name>

ODA-OS Core Quick Start

When the installation has been finished successfully, the ODA-OS core shoudl be fully functional. The ODA-Client (including the Ingestion Admin. Client) is available at:


The EOxServer (core of the ODA-Server) is available at:


More details TBD.

ODA-OS Core Administration

This section provides brief introduction to the administration ODA-OS Core and to the detail of the configuration. The text focuses on the scecific aspects of the ODA-Core installation and it does not intend to replace the documentation of the idividual components.

System Service

The ODA-OS utilizes following system service (administred via the chkconfig and service command [4])

  • ngeo-dm - The ngEO Download Manager (local deamon, not exposed to the external world)
  • ingeng - The Ingestion Engine (autonomous daemon accesible via Apache reverse proxy)
  • httpd - The Apche web server - the web interface.
  • postgresql - The PostgreSQL database.
  • tomcat6 - Tomcat 6 (Rasdaman Petascope).
  • rasdaman - Rasdaman (raster-DB backend).
  • tomcat - (optional) Tomcat 7 (eXcat catalogue).
  • tomcat-dq - (optional) Tomcat 7 (Data Quality proxy).

Additional services may still be added.


Directories and File Locations

The ODA-OS is structure in the following subdirectories:

  • /srv/eodata/ - data storage (anticipated to be mounted from a separate storage volume).
  • /srv/odaos/ - location of the installed SW and its configuration.
  • /var/log/odaos - location of the logfiles of the SW components.
  • /srv/pgdata/ - PosgreSQL DB files (including Rasdaman raster-DB)

User Identities

The installed SW components and their configuration is owned by odaos admnistrator, a system user with no password assigned. Any modification of the configuration requires odaos user identity.

The actual service are operated having apache system user's identity and all the files created or modified by the services are either owned directly by the apache user or they belong to apache user group with write permission granted.

The SW installed from the RPM packages is owned by the root and they are not supposed to be modified.

More details TBD