Proposal for Local Only Akka.Remote Transport(s) - using NamedPipes or UnixDomainSockets
This is only a proposal of a Akka.Remote.Transport that can be used for LOCAL ONLY Inter-Process-Communication. On Windows machines, the NamedPipe Connection can be used. Starting with .Net Standard 2.1 UnixDomainSockets can be used, they are supposed to be supported on all platforms.
This transport is inspired by the TestTransport class of Akka.Remote and currently has no Unit-Tests. I don't know if it's implemented correctly. Especially the implementation of the AssociationHandle (Disassociate) is only tested in a live system.
Other thoughts:
- There is a fixed number of simultaneous connections to one ActorSystem (100 for NamedPipes).
- To play nicely with HostName / Port combinations, this Transport uses ConnectionName / ConnectionNumber pairs. A well known ConnectionNumber (1-32767) should be specified for "Server"-ActorSystems, whereas "Client"-ActorSystems can specify 0 as ConnectionNumber (in which case, a random ConnectionNumber in the range 32768-65535 will be used)
- Both for the NamedPipe and the UnixDomainSocket a uniqe name has to found. Whether the used logic is robust enough has to be discussed.
- When creating the AssociationHandle, a dummy localAddress / remoteAddress are passed into the base AssociationHandle-class. I do not know if these have to be the "correct" addresses.
- A basic Hosting-Extension is provided, that can define the four configuration values that are used in this transport. As Scheme-Identifier "pipe" and "uds" may be used right now.
- Preparing a new inbound connection can possibly fail (when, for example, the name for the used pipe already exists). It is not clear what to do in such an event.
- It is not completely clear, what to do when a Transport is shut down. Right now I assume, that all used resourced get cleaned up correctly, but I cannot prove it (no unit tests...)
- I used both the NamedPipe and UnixDomainSockets connections only roughly as a proof of concept on a windows machine. It seems to work so far.
Can be used for discussion at akkadotnet/