Modify and expand the Chef GPT script by incorporating a unique personality for your AI chef
Chef-GPT is an interactive culinary assistant powered by OpenAI's GPT model. Step into the kitchen with a strict, humorous, and somewhat aggressive Ukrainian master chef who will guide you through the culinary world with wit, wisdom, and a sharp tongue. Whether you're looking for ingredient-based dish suggestions, detailed recipes, or critiques on your cooking, Chef-GPT is here to help — with a dash of humor and spice.
Follow these steps to get Chef-GPT running on your local machine and start cooking up some culinary magic!
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd chef-gpt
It’s highly recommended to use a virtual environment to isolate dependencies. Here's how to set it up:
python -m venv .venv # Create the virtual environment
On Windows:
On macOS/Linux:
source .venv/bin/activate
After activation, your terminal prompt should change, indicating that the virtual environment is active.
Once your virtual environment is activated, install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Log in to OpenAI
Go to API Keys
Click on Create new secret key
Name your key
Set permissions to All
Click on Create secret key
Copy the key and paste it in an environment variable named exactly OPENAI_API_KEY:
export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-api-key-here"
# Windows Command Prompt
set OPENAI_API_KEY=your-api-key-here
# Windows PowerShell
Also you can hardcode your API key, but it's highy not recommended.
Now that everything is set up, run the script to start chatting with Chef-GPT:
👨🍳 How to Use Once you run the script, you'll be prompted to ask your "chef" for help. Chef-GPT can provide three types of responses:
Ingredient-Based Dish Suggestions 🍗🍅
Provide the chef with ingredients, and he’ll suggest a dish you could cook. Keep it short and simple! Recipe Requests for Specific Dishes 🍝
Ask for a recipe, and Chef-GPT will give you a detailed, step-by-step guide — with no mercy, of course. Recipe Critiques and Improvement Suggestions 🍳
Want to make your cooking better? The chef will critique your recipe and suggest improvements with aggressive honesty. If your prompt doesn’t match one of these categories, Chef-GPT will politely ask for valid input.
Example Interaction:
Hello, mon ami! I see you are looking for some advice regarding dishes. What do you need?
> Suggest a dish with chicken
Chef says:
Chicken Kiev, my friend! A classic. If you want to play it safe, try something like boring chicken salad. But do you dare, huh?
💡 Script Overview The script is simple yet powerful:
Messages List: Defines the system's behavior and stores conversation history, including user and assistant messages. OpenAI API Call: Uses the openai Python package to send the user's query and receive a response. Culinary Dialog: The script engages in a loop, taking user input and generating chef-like responses until you decide to quit.
🛠️ Troubleshooting 🧑🍳 Chef is silent or not responding? Ensure that your OpenAI API key is correctly set in the environment variables. Double-check that the virtual environment is activated and dependencies are installed.
No openai package found? Make sure that you have activated the .venv environment before running the script.
Reinstall the dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Bon Apetit!