SDL3 for C#
Edit: if SDL3 is complete release version then I will update libraries,okay?
Please be patient! if you use SDL2 then you can install by dotnet
dotnet add package DeafMan1983.Interop.SDL2
NEW Nuget Package: See to nuget-website
- Added SDL3_ttf in C# ( Sorry take longer for SDL3_ttf )
Added SDL_stdinc in C# Trying to resolve if I copy from *.h to *.cs and format and write own. ( Still in process )
Replaced SDL_bool to int and some enum SDL_xxxxxxx to uint ( Still in process )
Fixed and replaced to nint like you have tried Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer() for GL, EGL and Vulkan too
Removed operator implicit and explicit from SDL_Renderer ( Sony I forgot to remove! I will recheck and verify for whole SDL3 if they have updated codes in SDL3. )
Fixed all structures and removed all operator implicit and explicit with void *value cause SDL_MapRGB and MapRGBA crashed.
Added some SDL_hints define string but not all.... ( Still in process )
Updated all structures with fake instance like TerraFX.Interop.Xlib's structures
Changed uint to DisplayID and WindowID
Hello everyone I have made SDL3 for C# and you can use Nuget or here to download.
SDL3 from SDL3
SDL3_image from SDL3_image
SDL3_ttf from SDL3_tff
But for SDL3 C# has 95 % completed converted by ClangSharpPInvokeGenerator but "SDL_stdinc.h" cannot convert to C# complete because ClangSharpPInvokeGenerator stopped to convert whole SDL_stdinc.h to C# format cause it has many errors. I can't resolve but SDL_floot, SDL_fabs etc are not needed just in System.Math and System.MathF
And I would like to release many new tutorial if you know about SDL3 like in C++/C
Enjoy your game development!
Original GitHub Url: DeafMan1983.Interop.SDL3