DevLess-SDK is a module that provides a host of functions for working with data from the DevLess Backend.
npm install devless-sdk --save
Require and initialize the module with your DevLess URL and Token.
const DevLess = require('devless-sdk');
const dv = new DevLess("DevLess_instance_URL", "DevLess_Token");
And you can now have access to all the methods exposed by the module. They include:
Query (read) data from table
dv.queryData(serviceName, tableName, queryParams, callback);
Add data to table
dv.addData(serviceName, tableName, data, callback);
Update data in table
dv.updateData(serviceName, tableName, identifierField, identifierValue, data, callback);
Delete data from table
dv.deleteData(serviceName, tableName, identifierField, identifierValue, callback);
For actions including signup and login.
dv.authenticate(action, params, callback);
dv.rpc(serviceName, action, params, callback);
Note: This readme is a WIP. For more info on parameter definitions, etc, see the DevLess Documentation.